Disney’s beloved trading card game, Disney Lorcana, has introduced special Enchanted rarity cards with each new set, starting with 12 of these highly sought-after cards in The First Chapter. The game initially faced challenges with distribution upon its launch in the summer of 2023, making it difficult to obtain any cards, let alone the special Enchanted ones. However, after several months, the game is now more readily available in stores, although the Enchanted cards remain a rare find.
Enchanted cards are considered the most valuable in Lorcana, despite not providing any additional gameplay benefits. Instead, they are highly coveted by collectors due to their stunning alternate artwork and special foil process. These Enchanted cards are secret rarities that exceed the standard format for the set. For instance, The First Chapter consists of 204 numbered cards, with the Enchanted cards numbered above that.
One of the Enchanted-rarity cards, Hades: King of Olympus, features the villain from Disney’s Hercules and is numbered #205. According to TCGplayer, it has the lowest market price of all Enchanted cards from The First Chapter, approximately $128. The artwork showcases a striking portrayal of Hades, with his menacing smile and outstretched hand.
Another notable Enchanted card from The First Chapter is Genie: On the Job, priced at $139 on TCGplayer. This card captures the beloved character from the original 1992 animated film, exuding vibrant colors and enchanting foil details.
Additionally, Aladdin: Heroic Outlaw, also valued at $139, is another standout Enchanted card featuring the eponymous character from Disney’s Aladdin. The fact that Aladdin has two Enchanted cards in The First Chapter makes them even more desirable for collectors.
Source: screenrant.com
Date: 2024-02-25 18:41:04