The Master Sword is a highly coveted weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and Link’s journey begins with it. However, the sword breaks and is lost, but Link is able to retrieve it from the head of a dragon. Unlike in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, where the sword was in the Korok Forest, the Tears of the Kingdom Master Sword location is on a dragon soaring through the sky, making it a challenging task for Link to obtain it.
To embark on the quest, players must head to the Korok Forest and defeat Phantom Ganon for the Deku Tree, who will then give Link the quest. The benefit of obtaining the sword this way is that the Deku Tree will mark the location of the Master Sword on the map. However, for those looking to grab the sword early, they will need to hunt down the Light Dragon themselves, as its location is not marked on any map. The Light Dragon can be seen from the ground surface of Tears of the Kingdom, and players should look for blue energy radiating from the top of its head, indicating the Master Sword.
Related: How To Beat The Final Boss Early In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
2023-05-15 00:00:04
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