Top 10 Most Ridiculous Masks, Hoods, and Hats for Link in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Top 10 Most Ridiculous Masks, Hoods, and Hats for Link in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Link can collect many masks, hoods, and hats in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and some of these look remarkably silly. Armor sets in TOTK are extremely diverse in terms of appearance, with most articles also bestowing useful bonus effects in addition to a level of defense. But regardless of their practical uses, it cannot be denied that some sets simply make Link look funny when worn, especially when it comes to some of TOTK’s available headgear.

Finding and upgrading armor is an important part of TOTK, especially as the player progresses and enemies become stronger. However, many players may choose to focus more on Link’s appearance when it comes to armor, rather than any in-game benefits. After all, as satisfying as it is to defeat a powerful monster, doing so in a ridiculous outfit can add its own amusing sense of satisfaction. Tears of the Kingdom includes numerous strange outfits, which range from actually providing valuable effects to simply providing Link with an unusual aesthetic. Moreover, headgear is especially plentiful with examples of this, as many such pieces exist independent of a full armor set.

One of the various armor sets to return from Breath of the Wild, the Rubber set provides strong protection against electricity, including rendering Link immune to electric shocks for its upgraded set bonus. However, as valuable as this effect can be, the armor itself is distinctly absurd, particularly the fish-like Rubber Helm. As effective as TOTK’s Rubber Armor, even against foes like a Thunder Gleeok, charging into battle with a rubber fish apparently eating Link’s head is a strange sight at best. Nevertheless, if players do wish to use it, the Rubber Helm can be found inside Faron’s Sarjon Cave.

The goat-like Miner’s Mask bears two small lights dangling from the tips of its horns, which makes navigating the Depths and other dark locations less reliant on Brightbloom Seeds. Considering that it is found in the remains of the Abandoned Kara Kara Mines in TOTK’s Depths, it is likely that the set was originally designed and used by the Zonai, which would go some way towards explaining its appearance. In any case, no matter how confidently Link may wear this mask and the rest of its associated set, it cannot be denied that the animal-like design looks rather out of place on the Hylian.

The Charged Headdress is found as part of the “Secrets of the Ring Ruins” main quest, and is clearly Zonai in origin. The Headdress has the effect of raising Link’s attack power in storms, and may well be based on Farosh given the fact that it is found along Dracozu Lake in Faron and bears a draconic horn. But although this ceremonial garb may have great power and historical significance in the world of Hyrule, that same prominent horn also looks undeniably comical when it is emerging from Link’s forehead in Tears of the Kingdom.

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