RPG frequent situation

RPG frequent situation

Role Playing Game Common Scenario

Role playing games (RPGs) are a genre of video games in which players create characters, develop skills and explore the game world. RPG games often offer an expansive story and heavily feature cutscenes, dialogue and character customisation that others don’t, making it an immersive experience.

Many RPGs, particularly the fantasy genre, contain multiple common scenarios that players will likely come across in multiple video games. Without further ado, here are the RPG Common Scenarios:

Saving the Damsel in Distress

This is probably one of the oldest and most common scenarios in RPGs. The player’s mission is to rescue the damsel from a certain danger in each game. The damsel may be a princess, a noblewoman, a wizard, or sometimes even a non-humanoid character such as a fairy, dragon or unicorn.

Defeating the Big Bad

This is usually a larger-than-life villain, likely the final antagonist of the game. These bosses are often huge, often taking up the entire screen, and are often accompanied by multiple smaller enemies. Their attacks are usually powerful and they may take multiple tries to defeat.

Exploring Dungeons

Most RPGs involve the player exploring massive underground complexes filled with dangerous monsters and traps. The dungeons usually contain the game’s hardest puzzles and rewards the player with the most valuable items and equipment.

Collecting Allies

As the player progresses through the game, they will have the opportunity to recruit characters from their party. These characters will be of assistance in battle and can even provide access to secret areas or plot-advancing events.

Special Items and Equipment

RPGs are known for their deep and rich equipment systems. The player has the option to upgrade and equip their character with a variety of weapons, armor, and items. Some items may have special effects that boost the character’s stats or unlock special abilities.

Side Quests

Side quests are smaller tasks the player can do to gain rewards or to progress the plot. These tasks can range from simple fetch quests to elaborate puzzles or escort missions.

Gaining Levels

Leveling up is an important element of RPGs. As the player progresses, their character becomes more powerful and can take on more powerful foes. The player gains access to new abilities and weapons as they progress in the game.

Working as a Team

Teamwork is key in RPGs. The player must work together with their party to overcome obstacles or puzzles. Things become easier when the player and their allies cooperate.

Craft Your Own Story

This is the basis of most RPG games: the player gets to create their own story. Every player can take different paths and craft their own unique journey throughout the game.


These are the common RPG scenarios that make the genre so beloved. Playing an RPG is more than just playing a game, it is an immersive experience that allows its players to create their own stories and adventures.

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