Preparatory Work for Machine Translation of Starfield Initiated by Enthusiast Localizers

Preparatory Work for Machine Translation of Starfield Initiated by Enthusiast Localizers

It has been revealed that ⁤the press copies of Starfield are ‌missing Russian fonts, and due to the extensive amount of text, a high-quality translation⁣ will cost approximately ⁣20 million rubles.

However, users ​from ⁣the Zone of Games forum have quickly discovered a solution to add fonts to the game. Today,⁣ a programmer and localizer with the nickname Haoose, ⁢who has access to‌ the ​press copy of ⁤the game, has reported that ⁣preparatory work‍ for the ⁣machine​ translation⁤ of the Bethesda role-playing game has commenced. ⁤Some technical details were also shared:

A ⁣technical test ‌was conducted ​to determine​ if Russian text can be ​inserted into the game. The game recognizes⁤ and functions with it without any crashes.
There are individuals working on the technical aspects of the⁤ text subtitle files (the same ⁤20-million-dollar ‌text).
There are volunteers ⁤who have offered‍ to create beautiful Russian fonts.

In the meantime, I am already finalizing the (machine) translation of the ‌interface. So… At the very least, expect ⁢the interface translation with ‌some‍ fonts on September 1st, coinciding⁤ with the ​game release. And​ then, possibly in September, the initial version of the machine translation for the actual subtitles will be available.
By the ⁤way, if anyone is interested, Translumo, mentioned in ‍the thread, is working on the ⁣game.

Starfield will be released on ⁤September 6⁤ for Xbox⁤ Series​ X/S and⁢ PC, ⁤with ‌Premium ⁢Edition owners gaining early‍ access on September ⁢1.⁢ Additionally, you can enter⁢ to win the⁣ game on⁢ our website, and discover ‍how to obtain more bonuses⁣ here.

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