Screenwriter of “The Witcher” Series Banned Fans After Failing to Recognize Original Source

Screenwriter of “The Witcher” Series Banned Fans After Failing to Recognize Original Source

The final episodes of the third season of “The Witcher” have appeared on the Netflix platform. Fans still can’t⁤ believe‌ the‌ development of the story and once again⁢ unleashed criticism on the screenwriters.

Javier ‌Grillo-Marxuach, a television veteran who has recently ‌worked as a screenwriter⁣ and producer on the Netflix series,⁣ decided⁣ to respond to the ⁢accusations.

As an example, the producer chose the script of⁣ the sixth episode of the third season of the show.⁢ According to⁢ him,‍ in‍ the initial version ​of the script, a scene from ⁤Sapkowski’s books was faithfully recreated, featuring Geralt and Dijkstra.

For ⁢those who claim that​ we don’t read/respect ‌the books – the ​script of the ‌sixth ⁤episode of the ⁤third season started with Dijkstra holding Geralt at⁢ knife-point while he was relieving himself⁢ next‍ to a plant. We have ‌pages from the book confirming⁢ this!

However, fans quickly caught the screenwriter on obvious mistakes: he ⁣got ‍the name ​wrong – instead‌ of “Dijkstra,” he wrote ⁣”Dykstra.” And most⁢ importantly, the‍ episode ⁣described by ⁤the producer doesn’t exist in the books at all.

This is not‍ in the novel. It ⁤only proves how unprepared‌ you were, ​and ​now you ⁣look even worse ‍because you can’t even pick up the book and check… a pitiful sight.

Instead of⁤ providing ‍answers, Javier Grillo-Marxuach‌ simply started⁤ blocking users.

Link from ⁤rnrn

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