Bad actors can undo Markup screenshot edits and redactions on Google Pixel due to vulnerability

Bad actors can undo Markup screenshot edits and redactions on Google Pixel due to vulnerability

Google recently released the March security patch for Android, which addressed a “High” severity vulnerability in the Pixel’s Markup screenshot tool. However, reverse engineers Simon Aarons and David Buchanan discovered a security flaw, known as CVE-2023-21036, that still puts Pixel users at risk of having their older images compromised due to Google’s oversight.

The flaw, dubbed “aCropalypse,” allows someone to take a PNG screenshot cropped in Markup and undo some of the edits in the image. This capability could be abused by bad actors to reveal sensitive information that was redacted by a Pixel owner using Markup. Buchanan’s blog provides technical details on the vulnerability.

2023-03-19 14:53:22
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