Wordle Solution & Clues for July 22, 2023 (Puzzle #763)

Wordle Solution & Clues for July 22, 2023 (Puzzle #763)

July 22nd ‌Wordle‘s​ answer is now available for‌ players⁢ to ‍attempt, and even though the⁣ word is fairly common, players ​should still be wary ​of using ‌random guesses. Since the word​ can‌ be used‍ in ‍many ⁢contexts,‍ players ⁢have ‌a good ‍chance of ​guessing the answer using ⁣the⁤ regular mode. ⁢However,​ if players‌ want ‌some extra challenge ‌or want to try⁢ out​ a new way ‌to play, they⁢ can⁤ play Wordle’s secret mode.

Many⁢ players ‌might‍ not be aware ‍that ‍Wordle’s hard‌ mode ‍can be activated ⁢from ⁢the cog-wheel​ menu in ⁣the top-left corner. In this ⁤mode,‍ players will not be ​allowed​ use ⁤confirmed​ letters in different spots, forcing them ⁣to ⁣strategize their attempts ‍instead of using ‍random‌ words. While⁤ every player​ does not ⁢prefer this mode, ‍it ⁤is‍ a great ⁢way ​to⁣ develop new ⁣skills to ⁣use⁤ in the ‌regular mode.

Using hints ⁤might not be ideal‌ for veteran‌ players, but​ many prefer⁣ to‌ use them ⁣to keep their ⁤daily streaks⁢ alive.​ Since these⁣ hints ‍don’t ‍spoil⁢ the ⁢answer, ⁣it retains ⁤the ​challenge ‌and‌ lets players ‍discover the‌ solution ‌themselves. These⁣ clues⁣ are somewhat ⁤similar⁤ to ⁣hints ⁤seen​ in other vocabulary games and might ​help solve July 22nd’s Wordle answer:

The⁣ July⁤ 22nd Wordle⁤ answer is ​FROZE.

When trying to guess ⁤today’s Wordle answer, we first used ⁤the word‌ ‘SCORE,’ which revealed⁢ the incorrect ⁢position of one letter ​and​ the ‌correct ‍position ⁤of two ⁣others. Then⁢ using the word ‘CROME,” let us discover⁤ the ‌correct⁤ position⁤ of the third ⁢letter that we previously discovered. Then ⁤we⁢ used ⁢the word ⁣”FRONT’⁤ which also allowed us to discover ‍the⁢ correct position ⁤of another letter. Knowing the​ correct positions of‍ four letters from today’s ‍Wordle answer, we finally ‍solved the puzzle using the word ⁤FROZE soon​ after.

2023-07-23⁤ 05:24:03
Article from screenrant.com
⁢ rnrn

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