Wordle Solution & Clues for July 19, 2023 (Puzzle #760)

Wordle Solution & Clues for July 19, 2023 (Puzzle #760)

To solve⁢ July⁢ 19th’s ​Wordle​ answer,⁢ players might⁣ have​ an easier time‌ figuring ‌out ⁢the ⁤solution if ‍they use words that⁤ might reveal ⁣the correct positions ⁣of ​two⁢ vowels. While ⁣this​ isn’t⁣ an ‍easy ⁤task,​ it ⁤is usually ⁢a great starting point ⁣for ​players ‌who ⁢want ​to⁤ solve ⁢daily Wordle‌ puzzles ‌in⁤ less⁢ than⁣ six⁤ attempts.‌ However, if ⁤players ⁢find⁢ themselves‍ stuck‍ after discovering the ​vowels, ‍they⁢ can use ⁣a ⁣different mode.⁤

While⁣ the​ answer ⁤might⁣ not be too difficult ⁤for ⁢most players,⁤ it⁣ would⁢ be great practice if players attempted today’s ‍puzzle ‌using Wordle’s‌ hard‍ mode. In ‍this ‍mode, players ⁣will⁣ be ⁣challenged ‌to solve the ‌puzzle using stricter⁤ rules​ that ​do ⁤not let ‌them ⁢reuse confirmed ‍letters in⁢ different⁣ spots. ⁤While ​this might ⁢some ‌time-consuming,⁤ it is​ a ⁤great way ⁤to develop ⁢new strategies and⁢ skills that‍ can ​be⁤ used‍ in the regular ⁢mode. ⁤However, if⁢ players are‌ in​ need of hints‍ to⁤ solve today’s puzzle,‍ they ‍can ⁤use the clues‌ given⁤ below. ​

Some players like⁣ to ⁣use clues⁣ for every ⁢Wordle ⁤answer before they‍ run ‍out of⁤ attempts ⁢and break⁤ their ‌daily⁤ streak. ‍The hints provided ⁤below do ​not​ spoil⁢ the ⁢solution ‍for ‌players but⁤ instead, give clues ⁣that ⁤could‍ help ​them‌ solve⁣ 19th ​July’s ‍Wordle⁤ answer. These clues ⁢are somewhat similar to ‍hints ⁣players may‍ have previously ⁣seen in other ‍vocabulary games, ⁤such as‍ crossword puzzles:

The ​July 19th⁢ Wordle⁣ answer⁢ is TONIC.

We solved⁤ today’s ⁢Wordle ‌answer ‌using various words that ‍revealed⁣ the⁤ correct position​ of the vowel. ⁣We ⁤started ⁤the ‌puzzle using‌ the word⁤ “ROAST,” which revealed ​the correct⁣ positions ‍of one letter, one ⁢of⁤ them ⁤being ⁢a vowel.‌ We ⁣then​ used⁤ the⁤ word ⁤“STOKE,” which revealed‌ the⁢ incorrect ⁤positions of​ a⁢ few⁢ more letters. ​We then ​used the word ‘TONER,’ ⁣which ‍revealed the‍ correct ⁢positions of all ‍three​ letters‌ we knew‌ from before. ‌Once ‍we⁣ knew⁤ the ‌correct positions⁣ of the⁢ three ‍letters,​ we⁤ solved today’s Wordle ⁢answer ‌with the ⁤random⁤ word TONIC.

2023-07-19 03:24:04
Original⁣ from ⁢screenrant.com

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