Unity management receives ultimatum from group of developers.

Unity management receives ultimatum from group of developers.

A group of developers has decided to take​ collective action against Unity and its “installation tax.” Until the company backs down from this decision or reevaluates the entire system, they will‌ remove the company’s advertising services from their games, specifically ironSource and Unity Ads. In short, they are trying‌ to hit the‍ company‌ led ​by⁢ John Riccitiello where it hurts the most – in the‍ wallet.

Companies such as Azur Games, Voodoo, Homa, Century Games, SayGames, CrazyLabs, Original ‍Games, Ducky, ⁤Burny Games, Inspired Square, Geisha Tokyo, Tatsumaki ‍Games,⁢ New ⁤Story, Playgendary, and Supercent are participating in the initiative, but‍ others may join them in​ the ⁣coming hours.

The group wrote and ⁤signed a very stern letter threatening Unity⁢ to block IronSource until January 1, 2024 – the day the⁤ Runtime Fee, ⁣or installation​ tax,​ comes into‍ effect.

“We are the collective ‍voice of developers ‍in the gaming industry,” the letter begins, going on to ‌say: “Developers, game designers, artists, and⁢ businessmen. Passionate about our craft, ⁣we have ​invested years in shaping an ⁣industry that affects the lives of millions of people around the world. Having a stake in⁢ this industry, we cannot⁣ stay silent when any decision⁤ threatens to destabilize this⁤ ecosystem.

Starting⁣ on January 1,⁣ 2024, Unity plans to introduce an installation fee – a decision ​made without any consultation with the⁤ industry that ‍undermines both small and large game developers. It is⁢ not only untrue but blatantly false to claim, as Unity has done, that the new “runtime fee” will only affect 10% of industry representatives. We vigorously⁤ oppose this step, which disregards the unique problems and challenges of ⁣our ⁣industry. While we have⁤ always considered our work collaborative, this decision caught⁢ us off guard. With a stroke of a‌ pen, you put hundreds of⁢ studies at risk, all without consultation and dialogue. To put it more plainly, what ⁢if car manufacturers suddenly decided to charge for every kilometer⁣ driven in a car that you purchased a year ago? The consequences would⁢ be devastating for consumers and the industry as a whole. All of this is happening at a time when the industry is ⁢already facing difficulties due⁢ to declining profit margins, escalating competition, and growing costs both in development and marketing. This affects not only developers but also ‌artists, ⁤designers, marketers, and producers. It could lead to the closure⁢ of⁣ companies that have dedicated themselves to this industry. Unity, we have stood by your side and celebrated each of your innovations. So why were we left out of the discussion regarding such an important decision? As an urgent measure, our collective⁣ of game developers is forced⁤ to disable ⁢monetization⁤ of IronSource‌ and Unity Ads in our projects until these changes are‍ reconsidered. We urge anyone who‌ shares this position to do the ⁤same. The rules have‍ changed, ‍and the consequences are simply too serious. The ‍installation tax is an unacceptable change in our⁤ partnership with Unity that must be immediately repealed. We entered this⁤ industry out of love for ⁣game‌ development, ⁢but what ‍truly makes it special is the community built ‌on openness, shared experiences, ⁤and collective⁢ progress. If you share our ⁢views, we invite you to⁢ join us. Disable all monetization of IronSource and Unity Ads until a fair solution is found.

Source from www.playground.ru rnrn

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