Top 10 Rewarding Side Quests in Red Dead Redemption 2

Top 10 Rewarding Side Quests in Red Dead Redemption 2

Due to the expansive nature of Red Dead Redemption 2, players will inevitably find themselves straying off the beaten track and seeking rewards from the tantalizing white markers that signpost side quests. These side quests can often come to nothing – simple fetch quests that give scarce rewards, but there are some gems that pay off in a big way.

These rewards can range from unique weapons, won through climatic duels with notorious gunslingers, or custom outfits obtained from obscure starting points. Red Dead Redemption aficionados will want the best rewards for their efforts and by doing these side quests, players can ensure they get the best rewards.

While this side quest doesn’t reward the player monetarily, it is immensely satisfying and demonstrates how Arthur’s actions can impact the living, breathing world of Red Dead Redemption 2. The mayor of Saint-Denis, Henri Lemieux, asks Arthur to run him a series of errands, which reach a dark turning point when he asks him to kill his assistant Jean-Marc (who does not want to cooperate in his illicit schemes). Sparing Jean-Marc will not only bestow Arthur with honor but deposes the city of its vile mayor. This mission also pays off later when Arthur receives a letter from the new mayor of Saint-Denis – none other than Jean-Marc.

For players who aren’t big on the completionist approach to Red Dead Redemption 2, the side quest ‘A Better World, A New Friend’ was likely missed or ignored. Ms. L Hobbs requests that Arthur find her an abundance of animal carcasses; but although there is a hefty payout of $490 plus a unique squirrel statue as recompense, be warned: this is an arduous mission. Hobbs requires a plethora of hides from all over the map and also needs them to be in perfect condition – so no chucking hunks of dynamite to root out prey.

Arthur Morgan can secure a Raven Black Shire horse as early as Chapter 2 if players take on this side quest. Talk to Hosea at the camp at Horseshoe Overlook to begin looking for a legendary bear, with Morgan being given a Shire steed for this dangerous task. As this is an early point in the game, the bear is likely one of the first legendary animals Morgan will encounter. This will gift him with his first legendary pelt once the beast is dead, which can be used to make a unique outfit.

2023-06-10 17:00:04
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