TikTok Ventures into the E-commerce Battle in South-East Asia

TikTok Ventures into the E-commerce Battle in South-East Asia

TikTok is venturing into the e-commerce battles of South-East Asia

IN MARCH TIKTOK’S chief executive, Shou Zi Chew, faced angry lawmakers in Washington, who grilled him‍ for five hours on topics ranging from ​misinformation to mental ⁢health. A threat of a ban ⁤in America, the short-video app’s largest market, looms large.⁢ Other Western governments are making ⁣similar noises. TikTok, which is owned by a ‌Chinese firm‌ called ByteDance, has ‌already been locked out ⁣of India, another big market, since 2020 on⁣ grounds of national security.

Contrast that with the welcome‍ Mr Chew received in June ⁢in ⁣Jakarta. He⁣ charmed ‌a crowd in the Indonesian‍ capital​ that included government officials with his plans for‌ the company⁢ in ⁤South-East​ Asia, promising to invest “billions of dollars” in the region over the next few years. As uncertainty looms over⁣ its prospects⁣ elsewhere in the world, TikTok, which in 2020 ‌moved its global headquarters to Singapore, is⁤ eyeing South-East ⁢Asia’s nearly​ 700m ‍consumers to​ bolster its fortunes. Reactions to⁤ his talk ranged from favourable‍ to gushing—except among the ​region’s digital incumbents.

That is because TikTok’s ambitions in ​South-East Asia go beyond silly dance videos. In 2021 it ⁢launched TikTok Shop, which ⁤lets‍ users buy products directly from the app. According to Momentum Works, a research⁢ firm in​ Singapore, last year products ⁢worth⁣ around $5bn were sold ‌globally on⁤ its platform.‌ This year the target is $20bn, with three-quarters⁢ of that coming from South-East Asian wallets.

2023-09-07 09:20:20
Article ⁣from⁤ www.economist.com

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