The Outcome of Completing All 152 Shrines in Zelda: TOTK

The Outcome of Completing All 152 Shrines in Zelda: TOTK

The ​Legend of Zelda: ⁤Tears of the ⁤Kingdom is a⁤ massive game, and the whopping 152⁣ Shrines of ‌Light scattered ⁢throughout the ⁢map are ⁤some of the most obvious indicators of⁢ that fact. The‌ mysterious chambers, which ‍are ‌topped ‌with ⁤a glowing ⁢spiral ​of⁤ blue-green‍ light, are located‌ both⁢ on the‌ surface ⁤of Hyrule and ⁣in the⁢ Sky ⁢Islands, and ‍they each challenge ⁢the player ⁤to a tricky puzzle or a ‌bout ‍of combat training. Just like in‌ Breath‌ of ⁢the Wild,⁤ Link will receive a‍ reward for ‌beating all​ the ​Shrines in TOTK​ – but is⁣ it ⁢worth all​ the blood, ⁣sweat, and tears?

Of course, ‌Shrines⁢ aren’t ​the​ only “collectible”⁤ in the newest⁣ Zelda game.⁤ There ⁣are plenty of things that players‌ may⁤ be compelled ⁤to search for, ⁢such⁤ as‌ the Lightroots ⁣in the ⁢Depths,⁣ the Bubbul ​Gems‍ dropped by Bubbulfrogs in ⁢caves, and -⁢ most​ notoriously‍ – all the ​Korok ⁢seeds in Tears‌ of the ‌Kingdom. ​The‍ prizes for ‍finding such​ items vary in ⁤value, and so ​players may⁢ be ⁢unsure of whether ​beating all ⁢the ‌Shrines is ​a ‍worthwhile ​investment, or a mere waste of their time.

The reward ⁣for ‍beating all 152⁣ Shrines in Zelda: Tears ‍of ⁢the Kingdom is the Ancient​ Hero’s Aspect,⁢ a​ set of ⁤armor⁣ with ‌unmatched⁣ defensive capabilities. Unlike ⁢other sets in‌ the ​game ‍- which consist ⁣of ⁣three ⁣individual pieces ⁤for the head, ⁣torso,​ and legs – the Ancient⁢ Hero’s ⁢Aspect⁣ is a‌ full ⁣outfit, ​which⁣ equips into all three armor⁣ slots. ‍At its​ base⁢ level, it’s ​not ‍the most ‌impressive⁣ prize,⁣ only ⁤granting ⁢players with 12⁣ points ⁣of​ defense⁣ and ‌no additional buffs ‍or⁢ special effects. ⁣However, ⁣its‍ strength ⁤lies in the fact ​that ‌it​ can be⁣ fully upgraded, upon‍ which ‌it becomes ‌one ​of the best ⁣armor​ sets in Tears⁤ of‍ the Kingdom.

If players ‍have unlocked all ​the Great Fairy​ Fountains in‍ TOTK,⁣ they’ll be ⁣able ⁤to upgrade⁤ the ‌Ancient⁣ Hero’s Aspect up‌ to four ⁤times.​ Of‍ course, in ‍order to​ convince the giant Fairies ‍to enchant​ the armor,‌ Link ⁤will need‍ to ​fork over⁢ a ⁤generous⁢ amount of⁤ valuable resources. However, ⁣the ⁣end result‍ is well worth⁣ the‍ output of monster parts, Zonaite,‍ and ​rupees. With two⁤ upgrades, the ⁢Ancient Hero’s Aspect ​is ​upgraded to⁣ 36 ⁣defense points, and ‍it’s imbued‌ with‍ the ‌Master ​Sword ⁢Beam Up bonus, which ‌increases ⁢the ‍damage ​of the Master ‍Sword’s‌ beams ‌of⁤ light. By the fourth upgrade, ⁣the set’s defense points‍ rise ⁢to a whopping 84.

The ⁣fully-upgraded​ Ancient Hero’s Aspect‍ is‌ one of the most powerful⁢ defensive ⁤armor ​sets in Tears⁣ of ⁢the Kingdom, but it’s ‍also ⁣one of the coolest-looking, regardless of its​ upgrade ⁣level. With ‍the outfit ‌equipped, ⁢Link⁢ essentially​ transforms ⁤into an ancient Zonai​ hero, donning a‍ long⁤ red‌ mane, ‌an archaic get-up containing classic Zonai motifs,⁢ and even the‌ tribe’s more animalistic ​physical ⁤features, ​too. In fact, ⁣the in-game description of the ⁤set states that⁤ “the ⁣hero’s aura ⁢will envelop⁣ the wearer,” ‍making ‌the Ancient ⁢Hero’s ‍Aspect ​not ⁤only an incredible ⁤piece ⁤of⁢ protective​ gear, but also‌ a walking piece of⁢ cultural ​significance within the realm‌ of Hyrule.

2023-07-17 14:00:04
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