The Last Two Decades’ Top 20 Gaming Stories

The Last Two Decades’ Top 20 Gaming Stories

In celebration of 20 years of​ Screen Rant, the SR Gaming ⁤editor team has ⁣taken⁣ a look back at some of the biggest news stories and most viral⁣ gaming moments ‌from 2003 to today. While some of these celebrate the excitement and joy of gaming – like⁤ the crowd’s reaction to​ 2016’s God of War ⁤reveal – some highlight ​the more ‌serious⁢ and​ problematic sides of the industry. such as ‍allegations against video game companies.

There’s no doubt that gaming has changed⁢ significantly over the years, not just in terms of the technological advancements of the games and systems themselves, but also in terms of ‌culture surrounding gaming. In the last⁤ decade alone, commonplace practices like developer⁤ crunch have been exposed in various⁣ studios, while the explosion of social media ​has made leaks and fan criticism more prevalent ⁤than ever. For almost every negative, there’s a positive though. Here’s ⁣ Screen Rant’s list of some of the good – ⁣and the bad – of ‌the last 20 years of video games.

Related: 20 ‍Best Video​ Games Of The Last 20 Years

Truthfully, from the⁢ inception of Google ⁢Stadia, critics predicted its downfall. Google has ‌notoriously struggled with ambitious projects before: Google +, Google Cardboard, Google Hangouts, to name ⁣a few – and Stadia seemed too ⁣good to be true. A cloud-based gaming service that would allow users to stream new releases to their TVs or web browsers, Stadia promised a chance to experience modern gaming at its high settings peak for those‍ without expensive rigs or access to consoles.

In practice, however, Google Stadia never really⁢ got off the ground. While it attempted to gain market shares with Stadia exclusive titles, ​other companies⁢ developed web-streaming services as competitors. That, coupled with ⁤a library that didn’t stack up as a reason to subscribe to the service, ultimately killed the project well before ‍its actual ⁣demise in 2023. ​Despite this, Google’s attempt to crack the gaming market will be remembered forever.

2023-11-14 20:00:07
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