The Best Feature of Jedi: Survivor, a Must-Have for Star Wars Outlaws Launch

The Best Feature of Jedi: Survivor, a Must-Have for Star Wars Outlaws Launch

Star Wars ⁤Outlaws ‍already‌ looks to ‍be⁤ a‌ promising open-world ⁤game,‍ but it needs to ‌launch ‍with ‌one of the ⁤best ⁢aspects of ‌Jedi: Survivor. The​ Star Wars⁢ Jedi games‍ are the first‌ major ‌single-player‍ experiences to come⁤ out of ​the ​new Disney Star Wars canon, and they are incredible. Jedi: Survivor, in particular, had a⁢ host of great⁢ features⁣ and mechanics⁣ that ⁤many other​ games ⁤in the ‍action/adventure genre ‌fail‌ to ‍include, and ‌Star ​Wars​ Outlaws will⁢ be much better ⁣off‌ if⁤ it⁣ looks to Jedi:⁣ Survivor ‍as⁢ a‌ template.

Despite ⁤Jedi: Survivor⁣ being several‍ months after ⁤launch, it is ​still ‍fresh in the ⁢mind​ of‌ Star Wars fans. When⁢ the announcement of‍ Star Wars Outlaws was ​made, ​many⁢ jumped to‍ compare it ⁣with Jedi: Survivor ‌in‌ hopes⁤ that Outlaws⁣ could match its quality. Thankfully,⁤ Massive Entertainment is at ​the helm of the project, and ‌the studio​ has⁤ previously developed ‍or‍ collaborated⁤ on ⁢excellent open-word titles such⁣ as The ⁤Division⁤ 2 and ‌Fry‍ Cry 3. Still, ‌one feature often ⁣eludes ⁣action/adventure ‍games ‍that ⁢Jedi: Survivor did⁤ exceptionally well and that Outlaws‍ should ⁣take note of – new game plus.

Related:‍ Star ‌Wars ​Outlaws’ ⁤Protagonist⁤ Copies⁢ Cal Kestis⁤ In ⁣The Best⁤ Way

Purity ​increases ‍all damage dealt and⁤ received.⁤ Warrior replaces standard ⁣combat ‌encounters with ⁤more‌ challenging‍ ones, and ⁤Trendsetter⁤ randomizes the⁣ player’s cosmetics each⁣ time Cal dies.⁣ These perks ⁣add ⁤significant replayability ‍to a ‌game that‍ is ⁤already⁤ very replayable.​ Jedi:‌ Survivor⁢ set the ‌bar very ⁣high ⁣in⁢ this regard,‍ and​ it would​ be highly impressive⁢ if Star Wars ⁢Outlaws does the same ⁤at launch.

Jedi: ‍Survivor’s awesome⁢ new game plus options ⁢are⁤ an outlier in many ​new⁢ releases. ⁣Many games have a NG+ mode, but​ they ⁢are often added ‌later in a post-launch ‍update. For‍ example,‍ 2018’s⁤ God of War didn’t ‍ship⁤ with new game ⁢plus,‌ nor did God‍ of ⁣War: Ragnarok. However, NG+‍ support⁣ was added much ​quicker in the ⁣latter’s case. ⁣Even ⁤Jedi: ⁢Fallen⁢ Order ⁤was missing a ⁤new ‍game plus ​option⁣ upon release. After ​Jedi:⁤ Survivor’s ​impressive NG+ showing,‍ however,⁢ seeing ⁤more‌ games ⁤try to match ⁣it wouldn’t‍ be ⁤surprising.

2023-07-22 07:48:03
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