The Best Choice: Unveiling the Surprising Brilliance Behind One Regrettable Baldur’s Gate 3 Decision

The Best Choice: Unveiling the Surprising Brilliance Behind One Regrettable Baldur’s Gate 3 Decision

Baldur’s Gate 3 presents the party with numerous choices, some ‍straightforward and others more morally⁣ ambiguous. Whether it’s saving​ refugees or dealing with hags,⁤ there are plenty of ways to approach ​the various situations the party encounters. However, in Act 3, there is one decision where, oddly enough, making ⁣the wrong choice is actually the best option overall.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for the story of Baldur’s Gate 3.]

The decision in question revolves around ⁣one of ⁣the many ⁣characters in BG3 who can join the party‌ camp and⁤ has become a beloved fan favorite ⁤since early⁣ access. Scratch is a dog ⁤that can be​ encountered early in Act 1 near his deceased master. After some coaxing, Scratch ‌will eventually make his way to the party’s camp. However,⁢ it is not until Act 3 that he receives his own quest, which involves making an important decision about his future.

When ⁣the party arrives in Rivington towards the end of Baldur’s Gate 3, they ‍will hear about missing letters, which inevitably leads them to the Post Office. It is here that they discover that Scratch actually belongs to the Sword Coast Couriers, and his former master was the courier he was accompanying. The right ⁢thing to do would ‍be ‌to return Scratch to his owner,​ but as the party learns more, it ‍becomes evident that returning Scratch to his owner would be the wrong choice.

When Scratch is⁢ first encountered in Act 1, ​he is devastated by the death of his master, Gomwick, who was killed by Gnolls in the area. There are a few ways ‌the⁤ party can ‍approach‌ Scratch, but either by speaking to him using ‍”speak with animals” or passing a skill check, they ⁢can convince Scratch to follow their ​scent back to camp. Any attempt to force the issue or loot Gomwick’s body will result in Scratch becoming hostile and attacking.

2023-11-29 20:00:06
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