Super Mario RPG: Exploring the Maximum Level

Super Mario RPG: Exploring the Maximum Level

There ‍is a⁤ level cap in Super ⁤Mario RPG, even if many⁣ players ‍will never ⁤reach ⁢it. As they progress through the story and ‌face​ off against ​a ‌variety of monsters in battle, all characters in the⁢ Mario RPG party gain experience points. They⁣ level⁢ up at the same rate, but ⁢since they start ⁢at ​different levels,⁤ it’s nearly impossible ‍to level everyone evenly. The only sure way to do so is⁣ by bringing them‌ all up⁣ to the maximum.

Leveling up in⁢ Mario RPG is important⁤ for two reasons: stat increases and new moves.‍ Each time they level up,⁢ a character gets a slight boost to all their ⁤stats. They’re also able to choose an additional bonus in​ one ‍of three categories: ‍physical ‍(raising⁤ defense and basic attack⁣ damage), HP (raising‍ max HP), or magic (raising special attack damage). Each character also learns unique specials at certain levels. ​While the‌ game isn’t crushingly difficult, there’s a⁤ certain satisfaction ‍in finally ‍reaching the maximum level and making characters as ‌powerful as possible. Getting there ​can also be a big help with ​some ‍of the hardest bosses⁢ in Mario RPG.

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The highest possible level in⁤ Super Mario RPG is 30, requiring a total of 9,999 XP. This is the‍ same​ in‍ both ​the ​original SNES version ‍and in⁢ the remake for‍ the Switch. ⁣There are no further stat ⁣gains or special‍ moves learned after level 30. Since there’s no way to respec, that means that ⁢all ​characters’ stats are⁤ permanently locked⁤ in when they hit max level. While‌ there’s​ still some customization to be done in terms of equipment and party composition, by ‍the time everyone reaches level ⁣30, ⁣they’re‌ ostensibly ready⁢ to take on⁣ any challenge‍ in the game.

Thankfully, it’s not actually‍ necessary to bring everyone up to the maximum level in order to beat Super Mario RPG. All characters unlock their final attacks ‍at‍ level 18, so all that’s ​left to gain afterward is ‍the occasional stat⁣ increase. Unless they’ve done⁣ a lot of⁤ grinding, ‍most players will be in the low to mid-20s as⁤ they approach the end of the game, which is more than enough to comfortably beat Mario‍ RPG’s final boss. This⁤ is due​ to the game’s trendsetting approach⁤ to RPG battles: instead of ⁢random encounters, Mario engages enemies when he hits them on the field, so ⁢most​ fights are completely ‌avoidable.

2023-11-28 ‍20:00:05
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