Ranking the 6 Malignant Tunnels in Diablo 4 Season 1 from Worst to Best

Ranking the 6 Malignant Tunnels in Diablo 4 Season 1 from Worst to Best

Season 1⁢ of⁤ Diablo 4 features the unique temporary mechanic of gathering Malignant Hearts from corrupted monsters ‌and harnessing their power ⁢in the⁢ form ‍of Caged Hearts, and ⁣the best‌ way to​ farm Malignant ‍Creatures to gather these Hearts is from the six Malignant Tunnels. These⁣ themed dungeons are special locations‌ where corrupted beasts have sprung up after the events‌ that Lilith caused in the main campaign. Malignant Tunnels serve as a part ​of the Seasonal questline but then become areas for players ⁢to return ‌to farm the ‌Malignant Creatures that are lying in wait‌ within.

These six Malignant Tunnels ‍in Diablo 4 are located throughout Sanctuary, ‌with ⁣two in Fractured Peaks, two in Hawezar, ‍and two in ⁢The Dry Steppes. The Tunnels are designed to be ⁤more user-friendly for players with less backtracking and ⁢more focus on killing ⁣monsters and getting⁢ rewards. Each of​ the tunnels has ⁤randomized ​layouts but will include ​the same general‍ theme and enemies. Malignant Tunnels are marked on ​the ⁢map with the same icon as⁣ other Dungeons, ⁣but with ‌a green leaf to differentiate them. ‍Hovering over one⁣ on ‌the map will indicate which type ​of Malignant Invoker a ⁢player will need ​to craft with ⁢Cormond ‍or ‌obtain before entering that‌ Malignant Tunnel.

Diablo 4’s Den⁤ of the Blighted ​is a Malignant Tunnel in⁣ the southern part of the Dismal Foothills in the Hawezar region and requires a Vicious Malignant Invoker. Unfortunately, this Tunnel ⁢simply doesn’t have anything very impressive about it and its⁣ mob density is lower than other Tunnels, making it more of a time sink than‍ anything. It is quick and easy ‍to reach,‍ however, as ‍it’s in close proximity to the‌ Rakhat waypoint. Den of the Blighted has a larger ⁤variety​ of enemies, both normal and ‍elites, which can help to ‍mix things up ‌some, but otherwise, it just doesn’t⁤ seem ⁤as‍ good for farming as the​ others.

Fissure​ of Malice is in the southwestern ‌part⁣ of The Pallid Glade in Diablo‍ 4’s​ Fractured Peaks region,‍ just south of Nostrava. This Malignant Tunnel requires ‍a‌ Devious Malignant Invoker ​and has a decent variety of enemies such as undead, Iron ‍Clan, ⁢and ⁤more. In the ⁤objectives for the Tunnel, players will need to slay ‌two Malignant Ghouls, Rakka and Shakka, which often⁢ are located pretty far away‍ from each other⁣ and can require quite a bit of tedious ‌exploration to find them depending on ⁣the randomization⁣ of its layout.

The​ Boiling ⁣Wound Malignant Tunnel is located in the southeastern ‌part of the Frigid Expanse in the Fractured Peaks, just east of Malnok, which makes it pretty ⁤quick to reach from several of the‌ waypoints‌ in the ‍area. Players ‌will need a ⁣Devious Malignant Invoker for ‍this Tunnel, but it is a great⁤ one when someone is ‌short on time. The Boiling Wound is the shortest Malignant dungeon in⁢ Diablo 4 Season 1,⁢ which⁣ is helpful for players who want to⁤ rush to the Malignant Outgrowth at the​ end quickly ‌to get​ a specific Malignant Heart.

2023-08-02‍ 17:48:03
Article from ‌ screenrant.com


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