Players of Cyberpunk 2077 take a stand against Reddit through the posting of explicit content.

Players of Cyberpunk 2077 take a stand against Reddit through the posting of explicit content.

The largest Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit recently made the decision to switch to NSFW (Not Safe for Work) status. This decision was based on the mature nature of the game, which includes nudity and blood. However, Reddit allegedly demanded that the subreddit mods reverse these changes promptly. The mods chose not to comply, and as a form of protest, users are now posting nude images of game characters to demonstrate why the subreddit deserves NSFW status.

Since May, Reddit has been engaged in a conflict with its users and subreddits due to the company’s restrictions on third-party applications accessing the site’s backend or API. As part of this ongoing backlash, some subreddits have opted to switch to NSFW status. This designation is primarily intended for pornographic subreddits and blocks the display of ads, but it also allows users to freely post nudity and more mature content. Some mods and subreddits have utilized this designation as a means to retaliate against Reddit and its disliked CEO. Now, the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit has joined in this fight.

According to a message from moderator Tabnam on July 5th, the decision to make the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit NSFW was made because the game “is an 18+ game.” The mods had not considered changing it until recently. Tabnam added that this subreddit should have already been NSFW. Reddit, however, did not approve of this decision.

Moderator Code of Conduct sent us a message demanding that we switch back because “[Your users] are probably confused by all the NSFW content you see.” They did not allow us to respond, so we couldn’t explain that this subreddit is for an 18+ game and none of our content has changed. Until we change it back, we are violating Reddit’s rules. We’re not going to change it back because it’s a sexually explicit game, and also, fuck them.

– Tabnam wrote.

As part of the ongoing battle with Reddit, Cyberpunk 2077 players have started flooding the subreddit with NSFW-style content, attempting to demonstrate why the subreddit should be classified in this category and to criticize the company for continuously tightening its grip on the community, thereby eroding one of the last positive aspects of the Internet.

Currently, the subreddit is filled with nudity. Some of the content is sourced from the game, while others are fan art or Edgerunners anime.

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