No More Waiting: Christopher Nolan Promises No Superhero Movies

No More Waiting: Christopher Nolan Promises No Superhero Movies

Christopher‍ Nolan, the director of a groundbreaking Batman trilogy that revived ⁢interest ​in the character, ‍has announced his decision to step away from directing ​superhero films.

In ‌a ⁣recent‌ interview with YouTuber ⁢HugoDécrypte, ⁤Nolan discussed his new film “Oppenheimer” and‌ answered ⁣various ‌questions,⁣ including ⁢whether he plans to ‌continue ⁤making movies ‍in 10 years⁢ and⁣ if he has ​any intentions of creating ⁤a TV series.

To ‍summarize​ the⁤ interview, ​Nolan⁢ stated that⁤ he has no interest in⁤ working on a TV⁣ series or directing another superhero film after “Batman.” ⁤However, ⁣he⁢ did not rule out the ⁣possibility of ​someday ⁣making ⁣a⁢ film within ‌the “Star‌ Wars”‌ universe. Additionally,⁣ Nolan ‍confirmed⁤ that he⁤ has no plans⁣ to ‌retire from filmmaking and intends‌ to ‍continue making films⁣ even ⁢in 10 years.

Nolan’s ⁢upcoming film ​”Oppenheimer”​ is ⁢set to be​ released worldwide on ⁣July 21st.

Source‍ from ⁤rnrn

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