“Diablo 4 Developers Discuss Season 1: Seasons as Endgame Content”

“Diablo 4 Developers Discuss Season 1: Seasons as Endgame Content”

Season‌ 1⁣ of Diablo ‍4 brings with‌ it new⁣ quests and⁤ story content,​ but ​also​ questions that‍ many in the community⁢ have⁤ asked⁤ regarding⁤ how it will⁢ work with new ⁤character creation.‍ Recently,​ Screen Rant ‍was ⁢given ‌the opportunity ‌to ‌join in ⁢an‍ interview with⁤ Diablo⁢ 4 developers⁣ to ‌take a⁤ deeper look ‌into⁤ many ​of⁢ the⁤ features of the ​Seasonal⁣ Journey,⁣ both‍ for ‌Season ‍1 and ‌upcoming⁣ Seasons. ⁤This ‍exciting endgame ‍content ‌begins on July 20,⁣ 2023, for the⁢ first‌ Season, Season ⁤of the Malignant.

Diablo 4 Season‌ 1 introduces ‍new game mechanics ⁤and concepts ⁣to the dungeon ‌crawler for players to have ​access ⁢to⁣ for ‍a‌ short⁢ three-month period‌ but ⁣does‍ not‌ canonically ‍influence the main storyline, so players are ‍able ⁤to hop into ⁣a‌ new‌ season⁢ anytime they wish without⁢ feeling that​ they ​have missed any⁣ major lore drops ​if ​they ‌took ⁤some time ‍away ⁢from the‌ game. During​ the‌ interview, Screen Rant⁢ was able to ‍chat with Associate⁣ Game Director Joseph Piepiora,⁣ Dungeon Designer ‌Michelle ⁤Piña, and Quest​ Designer Madeleine ⁢James.

When players ⁢begin Season 1 of Diablo 4, there are⁣ some ‌things ⁣that carry over from‍ the​ Eternal⁢ Realm of⁢ the⁣ game,⁢ but‌ players will have ‌to ‌start⁤ a new ⁣character for the⁢ Seasonal⁣ Journey, similar to ⁣how‌ things were done in ⁤previous ‍Diablo titles. If the player ⁤has completed​ the ‌story‌ campaign on any character ​on their‍ account ​previously, then when they begin a ‌new ​character⁤ on ‌the ⁤Seasonal ‍Realm they will be given the ⁢option to ​skip⁣ the campaign and‌ dive straight into ⁢Season quests.

If,‍ however, players choose not ​to⁣ skip the campaign​ for the ‌Season ‌character, ‌they can still be earning progress ​through the ​Battle Pass‌ content ‌of the ‍Season, ⁢but will not‌ be⁢ able ⁣to ‍experience⁣ the ‍new Season quests with⁣ Cormond‍ and the ⁤Malignant Hearts until the ‌campaign ‌has been completed ‌first.

Diablo​ 4⁣ is full ⁣of different approaches players can⁣ take⁤ for⁢ endgame ⁣content‌ such ‌as the Paragon Board, Nightmare ⁤Dungeons, ⁤and the ‍PvP experience in⁤ the​ Fields of Hatred. The‍ Seasonal ⁤Journeys⁣ which⁣ will occur ⁣quarterly ⁤in‌ the ⁤game are⁤ also⁣ considered⁢ endgame ‌content‍ because ‍they ‌will not be⁢ available ⁢until after the campaign ‌is completed.

2023-07-19 20:24:03
Post from⁢ screenrant.com

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