Sonic Frontiers Director Aims to Increase the Number of Playable Characters in Upcoming Sonic Games

Sonic Frontiers Director Aims to Increase the Number of Playable Characters in Upcoming Sonic Games

The director of Sonic Frontiers, Morio Kishimoto, has stated that he feels that adding more playable characters is “crucial” to future releases. This comes shortly after the release of Sonic Frontiers’ 2023 content roadmap three DLC updates coming to all players for free later this year. The third planned update is set to add new playable characters to the game’s roster beyond just Sonic the Hedgehog himself. It seems the new era of the franchise that Sonic Frontiers is ringing in is also marking the end of Sonic-only games.

Fans are understandably excited about this change. Sonic fans made “new playable characters” trend on Twitter when Sonic Frontiers’ DLC was announced, as it’s a welcome shift since the entire reason Sega doubled down on having only Sonic playable was due to a vocal minority insisting that they didn’t like Sonic’s friends a decade ago. However, things have notably changed, and one fan went to Kishimoto on Twitter to ask if new playable characters could be expected beyond Frontiers’ last DLC update.

Kishimoto responded very eagerly to the fans’ question, stating “I think adding more playable characters is a crucial step in the third generation.” While referring to a “third generation” may confuse fans, Sonic Team has stated before that the studio considers Sonic Frontiers as the start of the “third generation” of the franchise; seeing the latest release as the foundation for the next decade’s worth of titles.

While Kishimoto’s tweet can be translated by Twitter itself, a more reliable translation was given by Twitter user @SuperMightyBigL that emphasizes just how much Kishimoto believes that playing as Sonic’s friends is necessary to help the series grow. It also tells fans that the new playable DLC characters Sonic Frontiers plans to add will most likely be playable in the next release as well. This means less work for Sonic Team as these gameplay styles were made prior, which means the wait between games might not be as long as the wait between Forces and Frontiers.

It’s a rather exciting time to be a Sonic fan as series loyalists have more of the Netflix show, more comics, and new in-game content to look forward to all-throughout 2023. With how Sonic Frontiers was reported to sell 2.5 million copies as of last December, it seems the series will continue to speed farther ahead.

2023-02-05 20:00:03
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One of the biggest video game icons of all time is Sonic the Hedgehog and with the recent release of the latest entry into the series, “Sonic Mania Plus,” fans have been eagerly awaiting to see what new things the blue blur could bring to the world of gaming.

In an interview with gaming publication Game Informer, Takashi Iizuka, director and producer of the Sonic series at Sega’s Sonic Team, revealed his plans for the future of the series. He explained that he intends to make upcoming Sonic games more appealing to a wider range of players by increasing the number of playable characters in-game.

Iizuka noted that players have grown to appreciate the core game mechanics and beloved characters of the Sonic franchise. He also mentioned his primary goal for the series was to highlight the fun that can be had in the game when playing with multiple characters. With this in mind he is looking to include new characters that gamers can choose from in future titles.

The director went on to say that he wants to ensure that each character featured in the games has their own unique special abilities and moves. This would allow them to stand out among the crowd and make it a much more engaging gaming experience for players.

Overall, Iizuka’s plans for the Sonic franchise are sure to be a treat for fans old and new. With his impressive creativity, it is expected that Sonic games will become more complex and rewarding in the future. Therefore, gamers can expect to enjoy countless hours of high-speed, thrilling entertainment with Sonic and his friends in the upcoming titles.

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