Capstone Dungeons in Diablo 4: A Comprehensive Guide

Capstone Dungeons in Diablo 4: A Comprehensive Guide

Diablo 4 introduces Capstone Dungeons, which pose some of the greatest challenges in the game. Any online multiplayer RPG is expected to have a wealth of endgame content – it’s a big part of what keeps a player base engaged well after they’ve beaten the final boss and watched the ending. Some games address this by adding fresh content with regular updates, while others have post-credits objectives baked right in from the start. Diablo 4 falls into the second category, and its Capstone Dungeons make up the bulk of the postgame grind.

Diablo 4’s Capstone Dungeons don’t just exist to keep players invested. They come with their own rewards, too, and that goes beyond legendary loot and a feeling of satisfaction. Completing Capstone Dungeons unlocks new features and greater challenges that players will certainly want to complete. However, before they even set foot in their first Capstone Dungeon, they’ll have to unlock it first, and that in itself is no easy feat.

Players will have to meet several prerequisites to unlock Capstone Dungeons in Diablo 4. First, they must complete the main campaign, all the way through the final boss and the last Epilogue quest Legacy of the Horadrim. After all that, players should see a task labeled “World Tier 3: Nightmare” on their list of Priority Quests, which can be undertaken in the city of Kyovashad. However, to enter this dungeon, the difficulty must be set to World Tier 2 (Veteran). There’s no need to make a new character for this; World Tier can be changed from Diablo 4’s starting menu, or from a World Tier statue in many of its major cities.

The first Capstone Dungeon has a recommended level of 50, but players can enter it earlier. However, the enemies inside will always be level 50, so it might prove nearly impossible for lower-level players. It’s probably not a good idea to venture into the dungeon with a character under level 45, but leveling over 50 to make the dungeon easier is a valid strategy. Since many of the mobs use lightning elemental attacks, equipping lightning-resistant armor is also a good idea. Once the player’s character is sufficiently leveled, prepared, and geared up, they can head for Kyovashad’s Cathedral of Light, where they’ll find the entrance to the first Capstone Dungeon behind the altar.

The first objective in Diablo 4’s Cathedral of Light is to collect Animus from Revenant Knights. This is relatively simple; the player will have to defeat five of these mini-bosses in sequence to fill a red meter. The Revenant Knights themselves go down pretty easily; usually, the surrounding mobs are the greater challenge. Keeping an eye on HP, using AOE attacks, and remembering to dodge can help here.

2023-06-05 14:30:05
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