Aragorn’s “Controversial” Depiction in MTG is Actually Logical

Aragorn’s “Controversial” Depiction in MTG is Actually Logical

The recently released artwork of The Lord of the Rings’ Aragorn by Wizards of the Coast’s Magic: The Gathering, which portrays the character as a Black man, has provoked misguided outrage on the internet. Longtime fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings could be taken aback due to changes, but it is essential to understand that MTG seeks to create fascinating narratives. Aragorn is usually portrayed as fair-skinned, but in the card, he is depicted as a Black man. While some argued that it is a stride away from his original likeness, it’s an applaudable decision as a step toward greater representation in media.

Magic: The Gathering’s Aragorn, the Chieftain of the Dúnedain and King of Gondor, was designed to integrate into the game’s storyline and cast of characters. After an MTG The Lord of the Rings crossover was confirmed, creators successfully broadened the game’s lore by incorporating Aragorn and other characters into the MTG universe and have also provided players with a relatable character that adds depth and excitement to the gameplay. This new take means that well-meaning fans of Tolkien’s work and the game can appreciate the character in a fresh light. In the game, Aragon depicts a true hero with vast abilities; he is also renowned for his capability to use every weapon at his disposal.

Wizard’s Magic: The Gathering has endeavored to demonstrate diversity by re-conceiving characters to represent people across all races and cultures. However, the recent decision to make the fictional figure Black, revealed through a tweet from the official Magic: The Gathering account, erupted in a seething clash among fans of Tolkien’s original masterpiece. There were several arguments on social media following the official release of the card; the primary argument was that Aragorn’s origin needed to be taken into consideration. Critics and bigoted fans argued that Aragorn is descended from Númenoreans, who are predominately fair-skinned; it is essential to note that J.R.R. Tolkien’s works are not devoid of people of other ethnicity and orientations.

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Despite the conflicting opinions, there are sound rationales for why Aragorn’s portrayal in the game is reasonable. Firstly, Magic: The Gathering is a fantasy world with distinct lore and history, without the same conventions as Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Secondly, the decision to make Aragorn Black is a commendable attempt to foster inclusion and remains true to the original work. However, MTG’s take on Aragorn brings a fresh perspective, enhancing the lore and providing players with a hero who stands apart in a sea of similar characters. Easterlings and Haradrim have been shown to have a range of skin tones, suggesting that Tolkien imagined a mixed race of people in Middle-earth, even in Numenor.

2023-06-09 12:30:04
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