Zonai Stakes and Lasers Used by Tears of the Kingdom Musicians to Create Music

Zonai Stakes and Lasers Used by Tears of the Kingdom Musicians to Create Music

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom not only simulates wind, electricity, aerodynamics, and inertia, but also pressure waves detected by our ears, i.e. sound. Players have discovered that Zonai Stakes vibrate at different frequencies when struck and can be lined up to play melodies. The game offers an abundance of playful opportunities for players to mix and match different items with simulated physics, allowing them to build all sorts of useful and not-so-useful inventions out of Zonai Devices. These individual gadget components have all sorts of potential uses, including the fundamental operations of a calculator. Fans are now discovering that they can create music with these objects, and using a Beam Emitter contraption and a series of Zonai Stakes, they can play familiar tunes, as demonstrated by composer bran on Twitter.

2023-06-15 22:00:05 Tears Of The Kingdom Players Are Making Music With Lasers And Zonai Stakes
Article from kotaku.com

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