What You Need to Know: Can US Lawmakers Prevent an Impending Government Shutdown?

What You Need to Know: Can US Lawmakers Prevent an Impending Government Shutdown?

An​ annual‌ political battle over⁢ funding for the United States federal government has left ⁢the country on the brink of a shutdown.

With just five days until⁢ the new fiscal year ‌begins on‌ October 1,‍ US legislators are scrambling to overcome an impasse fuelled ⁣by hardline Republicans who⁣ have promised to block funding ‍legislation unless deep spending cuts ‍are made.

If no measure is​ passed before a midnight deadline on Saturday (04:00 ‍GMT on Sunday), large ⁤swaths of the​ government will be forced to shutter with only ⁢a few essential services remaining.

On Tuesday,⁣ the administration of US ‍President‍ Joe Biden,‌ a Democrat, labelled the situation an “extreme Republican shutdown”, saying it would also disrupt US national security.

“If Republicans in ⁣the House don’t start doing their jobs, we should stop electing them,” the president said earlier this week, accusing GOP lawmakers of failing to fulfil​ “one of the most basic fundamental responsibilities of Congress”.

Here’s‌ all you need ‌to know.

Post from www.aljazeera.com

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