What is the reason behind the US sending internationally prohibited bombs to Ukraine?

What is the reason behind the US sending internationally prohibited bombs to Ukraine?

Despite the objections of lawmakers and​ some allies, the United States government is providing Ukraine with cluster bombs that the US itself hasn’t used since 2003. The US says it’s a necessary ​measure to help Ukraine protect itself — but the bombs, which are known to often cause civilian deaths, ⁣are banned​ by more than 100 countries. The Ukrainian government has promised that the weapons will not be used⁢ in populated areas, ⁢but there are already ‍reports to the contrary. So has the US crossed an ethical line by sending these weapons to Ukraine?

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Episode credits:

This episode​ was‍ produced by David Enders, Ashish Malhotra⁣ and our host Malika ‌Bilal. Khaled Soltan and Zaina Badr fact-checked this episode.

Our sound designer‌ is Alex Roldan.⁣ Our lead⁢ of audience⁢ development and engagement is Aya ‌Elmileik. Munera AlDosari and Adam Abou-Gad are our ‌engagement producers.

Post from www.aljazeera.com rnrn

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