What Do We Know About the Possibility of DLC for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

What Do We Know About the Possibility of DLC for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?

The recently released Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a sci-fi action RPG sequel to Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, was a huge success both critically and commercially; leading to fans and critics speculating about whether Respawn is developing any downloadable content for future updates or game expansions. To get a clear picture of what DLC plans Respawn might have for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, three variables need to be considered – Respawn Entertainment’s track record with DLCs in prior games, information about its current development cycle, and any gaps in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s gameplay that DLC could fill.

Like many other works of Star Wars spin-off media, the Star Wars Jedi games are side stories about the unsung heroes of the Rebellion against the Empire – outlaws, guerillas, diplomats, smugglers, and Force-sensitives striving to jam the gears of imperialism in their corner of the galaxy. Fallen Order introduces Cal Kestis, former Jedi Apprentice turned fugitive, and his struggle to escape the attention of the Jedi-hunting imperial inquisition. Survivor shows Cal Kestis coming into his own as a full-fledged Jedi and rebel fighter while introducing very open-ended themes of struggle and resistance against overwhelming tyranny.

A key part of Cal’s story arc in Jedi: Survivor is coming to terms with his inability to single-handedly overthrow the Galactic Empire or defeat Darth Vader while still finding meaning in his small (on the interstellar scale) blows against tyranny. This “do what you can” ethos would mesh well with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC, which can also introduce new lightsaber stances, guerilla war activities, sabotage, prison breaks, grand heists, and so on.

Respawn Entertainment, the makers of the Star Wars Jedi series, luckily tend to shun “pay to win” monetization in their multiplayer video games (Titanfall 2, Apex Legends, etc.), instead letting players spend extra cash to purchase new cosmetics, outfits, or character models. They took a similar approach with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, offering deluxe editions and add-ons that unlock special cosmetics for the Stinger Mantis ships, and the droid companion BD-1. The current deluxe edition of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor offers players similar cosmetics, suggesting Respawn has no plans for a paid story campaign DLC.

An official announcement on the Electronic Arts website revealed that EA, Lucasfilm Games, and Respawn are working on two other Star Wars games besides Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Specifically, Game Director Peter Hirschmann will be leading the development of a Star Wars first-person shooter game (perhaps a sequel or successor to Star Wars: Dark Forces) while Greg Foerstch and the Bit Reactor studio will be working on a new Star Wars strategy game. Because of these two under-development titles, the odds of Respawn Entertainment having the time, budget, or staff to work on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor DLC are rather slim.

2023-05-30 12:30:04
Link from screenrant.com

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