US border wall to be extended by Biden administration, Venezuela deportations to commence

US border wall to be extended by Biden administration, Venezuela deportations to commence

The⁤ administration of US President Joe Biden will resume deporting Venezuelan migrants, and add sections to the southern border wall, carrying forward a signature policy of former President Donald Trump.

Washington’s announcement came on Thursday, two weeks after ⁣Biden extended temporary legal‍ status to⁤ more than 470,000 Venezuelans living in the United States, saying that “the conditions in their home country prevent their safe return”.

The Venezuelan migrants were ‌the largest single group encountered ⁤at the US-Mexico border last ⁤month.

The US government ⁣is under ​political pressure to stem the flow of people.

For more than a year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been busing migrants from ‌the southern US border to places like ​New York, Washington and Chicago,⁤ prompting angry complaints from ⁣Democratic officials⁣ in those ⁣cities.

One of Biden’s⁣ first actions after​ taking office in January 2021 was to issue a proclamation pledging that “no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall” as well as a review of all‌ resources⁢ that had already ‌been committed.

Original from rnrn

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