Unveiling the Last Enigma of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom’s Master Sword

Unveiling the Last Enigma of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom’s Master Sword

The Master Sword is one of ‌the most iconic weapons to ⁣span the ⁤Zelda franchise, but one‍ particular quality of‌ the‌ sword⁢ in ​The Legend​ of Zelda:⁢ Tears ‍of‌ the⁤ Kingdom asks ‍more⁢ questions ⁢than ⁢it ‌provides ⁢answers. ⁣Being a ⁢magical ‌blade that ‍uses the ‌power‌ of light ⁢to ⁤banish evil‍ – ⁢and contains⁣ the spirit of Fi ⁤-‍ Link’s legendary ⁢sword‌ has continuously toyed⁣ with fantastical, ‍larger-than-life ideas. ⁤However,⁣ the ​Master Sword in‌ Tears​ of⁤ the Kingdom ‌takes ‌things a step⁢ further ⁤with ⁣one intriguing‍ mystery‌ that’s hard‍ to ignore.

[Warning: The following‌ article ‍contains ⁣spoilers⁢ for Tears​ of the Kingdom.]From the ⁤very start of the game, ‌players will‍ be ‍forced to question⁣ what they know about the ‌powerful blade.⁤ When faced​ with⁢ Ganondorf’s corpse in⁢ the ⁣introductory ⁤sequence, ⁣it shatters into pieces,‍ as if⁤ it ‌was⁢ composed ‌of⁤ a brittle glass. Then,⁣ when ‍Link wakes‌ up after ⁢the tragic ⁤events, he somehow sends it back through time. What ⁢happens to the Master Sword ⁢in TOTK‌ is difficult enough to ​decipher⁣ on​ its ⁢own, ‌with ‌the⁤ game’s ⁤constant ‍use of time⁢ travel and​ retrospective memories⁢ – ⁣but ⁤even ​after ‍players ⁣are able to‌ get‌ their‍ hands ​on ‍the‍ repaired sword, it’ll pose‌ an‍ even more ​confusing conundrum.

The biggest Master‌ Sword ⁤mystery ‌in‌ Tears of the Kingdom are the strange, green runes that appear on⁤ the ⁣blade‍ when Fusing.‍ Indeed, it’s​ possible for Link⁤ to ⁤take advantage of⁣ his newfound ability to ⁣attach‍ items to‍ weapons, making‍ the magical ⁣sword even⁤ more‌ powerful than it typically ⁣is.⁣ When swinging a‍ Fused ‍Master ⁤Sword, ⁣players⁤ will ‌find ⁤that for a ‍moment,‌ a green ⁤phantom ‍of ⁤the​ object‌ will appear on‍ the Master Sword, ‍either ‍at​ the tip‍ of the ⁣blade ⁢or replacing the‍ blade entirely. ​However,⁣ when​ they’re not⁣ actively⁢ swinging‌ the Master ⁤Sword,⁣ they’ll⁤ find that glowing,‍ green runes‍ have ⁣been inscribed on the‌ blade.

It’s entirely possible ⁤that the⁢ green runes on the ⁢Master ‍Sword in Tears‍ of‌ the‍ Kingdom ‍are⁤ only‌ there ⁣as a visual indicator of its Fused⁢ status ‍-‍ but ⁤given the‍ complex, fantastical ⁣lore‍ of the‍ Zelda‍ series, the ​more likely outcome‍ is that ⁢they have some‌ secret meaning, which players have ​yet‍ to decipher. Indeed,‌ the runes look Zonai​ in ‌origin, bearing ⁤the same luminescent, green quality and ⁢shapes ​that ⁤all Tears ‌of the ‍Kingdom⁤ Shrines heavily⁣ feature. Moreover, ⁤King⁤ Rauru⁣ himself ​can ⁣be ⁢seen using ⁣green runic magic‍ throughout⁤ the‌ length ⁣of ‌the ⁢game, from ​his first encounters with Link, ‌to⁣ several ​Geoglyph​ flashbacks.

It ⁢seems that ⁤Fusing ⁣the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom may ​imbue ‍it with some ⁣sort of ancient Zonai‌ power,⁢ on top ‍of ​the magical qualities‍ that⁢ it ‌already​ possesses.​ The‌ implications of this remain⁣ unclear, ​though,​ as at ‍the‍ time of ⁤this‍ writing, the Zonai language has yet to ‌be ⁤deciphered ⁢or ⁤translated in full; there’s no ‍way for players to know ‍what ⁢the symbols​ say​ or mean. ‌Until more‌ is revealed ⁢about‍ the Zonai ‌tribe, their ‌script,‌ and the nature⁤ of their mystical powers, ⁤the green runes on​ the⁢ Master⁢ Sword ‍remain⁣ one⁤ of…

2023-07-17 03:24:03
Original from screenrant.com

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