Hideo Kojima unveiled an enigmatic yet incredibly captivating gameplay of Death Stranding 2. Gamers’ theories and speculations were finally validated. Esteemed game designer Hideo Kojima showcased a fresh demonstration of Death Stranding 2 as part of State of Play. The new trailer features a series of peculiar cutscenes from the game for nearly 10 minutes, followed by an abrupt transition to a gameplay demonstration. Based on the trailer, it’s evident that the sequel to Death Stranding will offer even more astonishing locations, intricate landscapes, and stunning scenery.
Once again, the trailer raises more questions than it answers, but it’s undeniably impressive. The showdown between a robot wielding a katana and a character with a bass guitar speaks volumes. The latest demonstration of Death Stranding 2 confirmed the return of a familiar character, portrayed by Troy Baker. The character played by actress Elle Fanning was also featured, alongside other characters.
As anticipated, the storyline of Death Stranding 2 will continue the saga of Sam Porter Bridges, portrayed by Norman Reedus. The protagonist will embark on another epic journey and play a pivotal role in the restoration of humanity. The game is now titled Death Stranding 2 On The Beach, and it is set to be released on PC and PS5 in 2025.
Link from www.playground.ru