Early Details of Upcoming Harry Potter Game Suggest It May Not Be Well Received

Early Details of Upcoming Harry Potter Game Suggest It May Not Be Well Received

A new ‌ LEGO ​Harry Potter game appears to have ‌been leaked, but there is‍ a strong possibility ‌that ​it will take⁣ the⁣ series in an undesirable direction. This would mark the first brand-new LEGO Harry Potter game in over a decade, with the most recent release being LEGO Harry‌ Potter: ​Years 5–7 in ⁢2011 (and remastered as part of the LEGO Harry Potter Collection alongside Years 1–4 in 2018). While‍ a new LEGO game⁤ based ‍on the‌ story of The​ Boy Who​ Lived has great‌ potential, recent LEGO game releases have raised concerns about the ‍possibility of ​a disappointing experience.

The latest game from developer Traveller’s Tales, the ​studio behind the LEGO games, is LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker⁢ Saga. Considered the most ambitious title in⁤ the LEGO series to​ date, LEGO Skywalker​ Saga ultimately disappointed by ⁤offering a rather shallow adventure through the Star Wars⁤ galaxy, despite its impressive scale. ⁣Details about the leaked LEGO Harry Potter ​game are scarce, but it is unlikely to revert to the series’ classic formula.⁤ Instead,⁣ a ​new LEGO Harry Potter game ⁢is likely⁢ to become another shallow⁢ collect-a-thon that neglects the series’ ⁣strengths in favor of a marketable open world.

LEGO Skywalker Saga’s recreation of every major setting ‍in the nine-film⁢ epic is undeniably impressive, but ⁢its grand scale came at the expense of meaningful gameplay – a ​problem that not even‍ the return of Mumble Mode could solve. Main missions became ⁤short, linear segments that ultimately felt like basic ​tools to advance the plot ⁣and return players ​to the open hub areas. While LEGO Skywalker Saga’s​ retelling of the Star ‍Wars story is charming, the trademark slapstick humor of the LEGO games takes a back seat to repetitive platforming, puzzle-solving, and collecting.

With the leaked LEGO Harry Potter game presumably taking a similar approach‍ to the seven-novel, eight-film series,‍ it is likely to encounter the same issues. Trying to adapt a‍ plot spanning seven years of ⁣Harry Potter’s battle against Lord Voldemort ⁢into engaging gameplay is simply too challenging. Instead, Harry’s early years at Hogwarts and ⁤the events of ‍the Second Wizarding War will probably feel forced into an ‌expansive world filled ⁢with mindless tasks, which can be freely explored through numerous characters that offer little more‍ than fan service.

The leaked LEGO Harry ⁤Potter game would‌ follow closely⁤ behind Hogwarts Legacy, ⁢a wizarding world⁤ game that highlights the difficulties of adapting ⁤the iconic castle and its grounds ​into another open ⁢world. Although the two games are quite different, Hogwarts Legacy suffers from many of the same⁣ problems as LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The meticulously crafted castle is filled with repetitive tasks, and its ⁣halls and classrooms are just a small part of Hogwarts ⁣Legacy’s‍ extensive map, ‍which is scattered with nearly identical puzzles⁣ and simplistic combat encounters.

2023-08-04 12:24:04
Source from screenrant.com


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