Last year, the highly anticipated sequel to the Mortal Kombat series was released in the fall. NetherRealm Studio developers revamped the game’s entire plot to attract new players and introduced a system of cameo characters to create unique battle mechanics. However, these ideas did not have the desired effect on franchise fans, leading to a decline in Mortal Kombat 1’s player base.
According to the analytical portal SteamDB, the number of active players in Mortal Kombat 1 on PC has dropped to a critical level, with less than a thousand people currently playing the game. This is a stark contrast to the daily peak of around 2 thousand Steam users. In comparison to other popular fighting games such as Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, Mortal Kombat is facing a challenging situation.
Attempts to address the low online player count through free weekends and 40% discounts on all platforms have not been successful. Even during free access, the game only attracted a maximum of 8 thousand players, significantly lower than the numbers recorded at release, which saw over 38 thousand players simultaneously. The significant decline in players can be attributed to the release of unsuccessful updates, including a scandal involving forced microtransactions last fall.
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