Imagine a reality show set in a mansion in Malibu in 1999, where you play the role of a producer. But here’s the twist – there are creepy secrets lurking behind the scenes. Welcome to The Crush House, the hottest show of the season, where you have complete control over everything from casting to shooting and buying advertising. Just remember, there’s one rule – never talk to the show participants.
The game offers unique features such as choosing four people from 12 personalities each season, catering to different micro-audiences, capturing close-ups of celebrities, placing advertisements, and using profits to update the house decor. As you play, you’ll uncover backstage secrets and unravel the mysteries of the show.
Developed by Nerial, known for the Reigns series, and published by Devolver Digital, The Crush House is set to be released in 2024, with Steam confirmed as one of the platforms.
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