Pat Gelsinger, the former CEO of Intel, recently stepped down from his role amidst a controversial board meeting where he proposed a strategy to regain market share from Nvidia. Despite his sudden departure, Gelsinger took to social media to urge his followers to pray and fast for the well-being of Intel’s employees during these challenging times.
In a heartfelt message on Twitter, Gelsinger shared his weekly ritual of prayer and fasting
Gelsinger’s tenure at Intel
Reports suggest that Gelsinger was pressured to leave after presenting a bold plan during a board meeting that aimed to boost Intel’s competitiveness against Nvidia. The tension surrounding this proposal ultimately led to Gelsinger being given an ultimatum: retire voluntarily or face termination.
While some users expressed support for Gelsinger’s actions, others criticized
As Intel continues its restructuring efforts by cutting costs and reducing its workforce, questions remain about the company’s future direction in an ever-evolving industry landscape.