Uncertainty Looms for Countless Cuban Migrants in Uruguay

Uncertainty Looms for Countless Cuban Migrants in Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay – Balbina Ponce ⁤Matias and her 33-year-old paraplegic son, for whom she is the sole caregiver, have lived their whole lives in Havana. But last November, they decided ‌to leave the Cuban capital behind.

“I had no way to feed my son,” Ponce Matias told Al Jazeera.

“There is no medication, no diapers for disabled people; clothing and shoes are difficult to obtain. We would experience up to five hours of electricity cuts per day. You can’t find wheelchairs, ‌you can’t find‍ anything. So we said to ourselves, let’s seek a second chance at living.”

They are not‌ alone. Amid ​Cuba’s largest exodus in decades, thousands of people driven out by the country’s severe⁤ economic crisis are seeking to start new lives abroad.

While many have headed⁤ north to the United ‌States, a less conventional route ⁣has⁣ attracted ⁣some southwards towards Uruguay; Ponce Matias saw this as‌ a safer path than attempting to enter ⁢the US via Mexico. But new visa requirements in the South American country are leaving thousands in migratory limbo, advocates say.

Applicants for asylum in Uruguay are provided with temporary identity cards that‌ grant‌ them access‍ to the workforce and public services, ⁤such as education and healthcare, as they await a final decision on their status. Valid for two years, the cards can be renewed for an additional⁤ year up to‌ two times.

Post ‍from​ www.aljazeera.com

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