Ubisoft Confirms: Accounts with Purchased Computer Games Will Not Be Deleted

Ubisoft Confirms: Accounts with Purchased Computer Games Will Not Be Deleted

After several days of confusion, Ubisoft has finally clarified the situation with ‍the deletion of inactive accounts, confirming ⁣the criteria the company takes into account before deleting an account.

In a new‍ statement provided today, it was confirmed that Ubisoft takes into account 4⁤ criteria⁣ before deleting an account. These criteria include the account’s gaming activity since its creation, the account’s‍ libraries, the ​duration of the account’s inactivity, and the⁤ presence of⁤ an active subscription linked to the account.⁢ As‍ for the account’s libraries,⁢ Ubisoft has confirmed ‌that any account that includes purchased PC games will ⁣not be subject to deletion. ⁤Before the deletion becomes irreversible, ​the player will⁤ receive three emails allowing them to‍ recover their account within 30 days.

You can read the​ full statement provided by Ubisoft below.

For many years, ​we have implemented the account deletion process in accordance with GDPR ‌requirements (Article 5.1.e on the obligation to limit⁢ data retention). Our policy complies‍ with legal requirements and industry standards. This measure ⁤also protects our players from fraud.

Account deletion follows a very strict process. Thus, before ​deleting an account, we take into account the following 4 criteria:

– Account’s gaming activity ⁤since its creation
– Account’s libraries: accounts containing purchased computer games are not subject to deletion.
– Duration of the account’s inactivity,⁤ meaning the last login into our ecosystem ⁣(including Ubisoft games on Steam and other platforms).
– Presence of an active‌ subscription ​linked to the⁤ account.

In any case, before ‌the deletion becomes irreversible, the player will receive three emails within 30 days offering ‌to ⁢restore their account. Additionally,​ if the user⁣ attempts to log in within 30 days, they will automatically receive a ‍warning and a‍ link to reactivate their ⁣account.

As it usually happens in such cases, the support service did not provide a complete ​picture. ⁣According to Ubisoft’s official explanation, no user risks losing purchased games even after ​a long‍ period of inactivity. Your digital libraries are safe⁤ again, at ‍least for now.

Post from www.playground.ru rnrn

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