Trudeau Expresses Concern Over Netanyahu’s Policies in Canada

Trudeau Expresses Concern Over Netanyahu’s Policies in Canada

Canadian​ Prime⁢ Minister Justin Trudeau has ‌expressed concern about Israel’s policies,⁢ saying that ⁣he has no immediate⁣ plans to invite his Israeli counterpart⁤ Benjamin Netanyahu to the country.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Trudeau reiterated Canada’s opposition ⁣to Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank,⁤ which ⁤are ​illegal under international law.

“We recognise ‌the violence going on‌ right now.‌ It is difficult for‍ people ⁣across the region — ​both Israelis and Palestinians,” the Canadian prime⁣ minister said.

“We’re calling⁢ for ⁣de-escalation ‍and peace and working through‌ some⁣ of the flashpoints that are happening. Canada has a longstanding position​ that ⁤settlements‌ and ⁤the​ settlement process is illegal.⁢ And we need ‍to stand against that.”

Trudeau added⁤ that, while Canada is a⁣ “steadfast” friend of​ Israel, the two⁢ countries have ‍points of disagreement.

Israel‍ has escalated its military ‍raids in ‌the West Bank in recent months,‍ killing at least 177 Palestinians in the occupied territories this year ‌so⁣ far. Netanyahu’s far-right government‌ has‍ also increased settlement activities and ⁢pushed⁣ to legalise outposts⁣ that had been ⁤illegal under Israeli ⁣law.

Original⁣ from​

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