Trial Begins for Leaders of Canadian Trucker Protest

Trial Begins for Leaders of Canadian Trucker Protest

A criminal trial opened on Tuesday for ⁣two Canadians who were key organizers ⁣of the⁢ trucker convoy that​ paralyzed the country’s capital, Ottawa, for nearly⁤ a ⁤month in early 2022, upturning the lives ⁣of many residents and creating economic hardship ⁤for​ local businesses and workers.

The‌ 22-day protest, which began in response to mandatory vaccinations for cross-border truck drivers, blocked major roads around the Canadian Parliament and‍ was among the longest⁤ and most costly anti-vaccine protests in the world.

It prompted copycat demonstrations along Canada’s border with the United States, including a ⁣blockade that disrupted billions of dollars in trade, and inspired similar protests in France‌ and around the⁤ world. The ‌Canadian protests expanded to include a wide range of grievances, sharply dividing the country⁣ over whether it was permissible‍ speech or unlawful assembly.

In order ⁤to clear the streets, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked federal⁤ emergency laws⁤ for the first time in over⁤ 50 years, a step‍ his critics charged ⁣was excessive and unjustified.

The defendants are Tamara Lich, a political activist from Medicine Hat, Alberta, who started‌ an online funding campaign for the protest, and Chris Barber, a trucking company owner from Swift Current, Saskatchewan. The pair are the first members​ of a loosely connected and ⁤not always aligned group of organizers ​to be tried for their roles in a​ protest that had no clear central leadership.

Both Ms. Lich and⁢ Mr. Barber, were among those who spoke for‌ the⁢ convoy protesters and face charges under Canadian law of mischief,​ obstructing police, counseling others to commit mischief and intimidation. Mr. Barber has also ⁢been charged with defying ⁢a court order banning the incessant honking of truck⁢ air horns and revving of truck engines, often in​ residential areas, during the first days of the blockade.

The prosecution asserted on Tuesday that their actions went well beyond freedom of expression and ​showed “flagrant” disregard ⁤for the⁢ law, contrary to what the defendants have alleged.

“This ⁢case is not about ​their political views,” Tim⁤ Radcliffe, a prosecutor, told the court in brief opening remarks on Tuesday. “Freedom of expression, like all other charter rights, is not an absolute right.”

But Diane Magas, a lawyer representing Mr. Barber, said that she will show⁣ that he‍ was engaged in a “lawful, peaceful protest” and that he complied with‌ police requests for ​assistance‌ before his arrest.

Lawrence Greenspon, the lawyer ⁤for Ms. Lich (pronounced LEECH), suggest that the⁤ protesters’ ⁣rights trump any disruption or economic harms​ caused by the city’s downtown being noisily shut ​down.

“In a contest between constitutionally protected freedom of assembly and freedom of expression ⁢and⁤ property rights⁤ that are not constitutionally protected — there is no contest,” he said.

He also‍ called the prosecution’s ‍description of the protest as an “occupation” “inflammatory, ‍inaccurate and…

2023-09-05 17:31:37
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