Top 5 Ideal Planets for Establishing an Outpost in Starfield

Top 5 Ideal Planets for Establishing an Outpost in Starfield

One of the amazing things about the⁢ epic space exploration game ⁤ Starfield is‌ the‌ ability to create Outposts across the game’s different⁣ star ⁤systems. This ability enables players to mine important resources, which can then later be used in ship upgrades and additional improvements. In Starfield, Outposts⁤ also increase the number of assignments for the crew,⁤ so they‌ aren’t limited to just being ⁣on the ship. However, the initial⁤ investment in an Outpost isn’t a cheap one and requires ​specific ‍building materials and resources ⁢to start. Things like‍ Solar Arrays, Water Vapor Extractors, and Science Habs all come with a hefty cost, so planning is important.

Luckily, when searching for the right planet to start an Outpost in Starfield, there are a few key factors to ⁤keep in mind, the most important of those being the ⁢types of resources the planet contains and the climate on the​ planet. Resource gathering is one of the primary purposes of constructing an Outpost, and ⁢planets with rich resources required in ​crafting or‌ research should be considered. Climate should also be considered, as more harsh climates will require higher-level spacesuits⁢ to sustain ‌outside‌ the walls of the Outpost. Later in the game, there’s a good ⁣chance Outpost construction will be done specifically for key resources.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s hard to find a stable, habitable planet—even in‍ the early game of Starfield. Many ⁣planets either have very harsh weather conditions or can’t sustain life⁤ at all, making the task of finding an Outpost a surprisingly hard one early on. However, if you’re looking for the most⁤ beautiful planet, Jemison‍ in the starting Alpha Centauri System is the‌ way to go. There’s a reason why New‍ Atlantis is located​ on ⁣the planet, and it’s a good starting point for most ‍people’s journeys by providing a variety of biome choices.

Related: Starfield: ⁤How to Make Easy Money ‌From Outposts

While the planet itself has a limited variety of natural resources, it does have ⁢a nice variety of colorful flora and⁢ fauna that can be explored, as well⁣ as a stable environment that enables ‌players to ⁢be ⁤outside of their space suit when outside of the walls of their Outpost. Ultimately, it serves as a nice place to get started⁣ with understanding the‍ mechanics of Outpost building and resource gathering.

2023-09-04 01:00:04
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