Top 10 Unwanted Video Game Achievements That Will Make You Cringe

Top 10 Unwanted Video Game Achievements That Will Make You Cringe

Most of the time, earning an achievement in video games is something that players strive for, and they will push themselves to overcome challenges to attain these trophies and goals so that they can proudly show off to their friends and receive that little dopamine rush of knowing they accomplished something. Often, earning a platinum trophy on the PlayStation or getting 100% achievements is difficult. Some video games have a nearly impossible list of requirements to earn all of these awards, but then there are other instances where the achievement earned may not be quite as exciting to show off, or downright embarrassing to admit having done.

Sometimes games choose to have many of their achievements and trophies hidden from players until they are unlocked. This can create some laugh-out-loud moments when game developers show off their sense of humor in more ridiculous or even embarrassing achievements that players may not even be aware they are going to earn until it pops up in the corner of their screen.

While sadly the achievement is not available in the recent Resident Evil 4 Remake, the original game featured one with a tempting title of “Do not shoot the water”. This achievement is earned by doing exactly the opposite and shooting into the lake a couple of times which will trigger a spectacular event where the Del Lago lake monster will leap from the water and swallow Leon whole. The 2023 remake of the game still includes the Easter egg of being eaten by the monster, but no trophy is presented for the sudden death.

One of the game Unpacking’s more morbid achievements that even awards an in-game sticker for unlocking is the “Electrical Hazard” achievement. In the game, players are unpacking boxes and place items where they belong. This simple achievement is earned by placing an appliance like the toaster or hair dryer in a dangerous location such as the bathtub.

The game Command & Conquer 3 is set in the year 2047 and features one achievement titled simply “Welcome to 2047”. In order for a player to be able to announce, perhaps not-so-proudly, that they have earned this achievement, they will have to have pressed the A button 2,047 times in a single mission. To make it even more frustrating, the achievement will not pop until the mission is complete, so unless a player counts each time they press A, they might not even be aware until it’s finally done.

2023-06-18 14:00:03
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