The utilization of Epic Games’ MetaHuman technology in the upcoming Mass Effect game is a potential possibility.

The utilization of Epic Games’ MetaHuman technology in the upcoming Mass Effect game is a potential possibility.

As​ we know, BioWare is‍ already working on the ⁢next Mass Effect game, with Deus Ex ⁢writer Mary ‌DeMarle serving as the ​lead narrative​ director. But other than that, there isn’t much information about the project, which has loyal fans searching for any crumbs of details.

So when game director ⁣Michael Gamble‍ hinted that Mass Effect might utilize Epic‌ Games’ MetaHuman technology,⁤ it got many of them excited, as they at least got something.

What’s both exciting and worrisome is⁤ that Gamble didn’t⁣ say a word, but⁣ his response to Epic Games representative ‌Chris Evans still ​makes one wonder if we’ll see realistic ​characters in the‌ game.

On the X/Twitter website, Evans asked: “Is anyone building games with MetaHumans in UE5? What ⁣pain points do you want us to address in future releases?” In the comments, Gamble left a GIF with an image⁤ of a salarian from Mass Effect, which, albeit not confirming anything, ⁣still ​raises questions‍ about ​why he would post ⁣something in this‍ thread, right?

As mentioned before,‍ we know very‍ little about the⁤ next Mass‌ Effect, but Jez ⁤Corden ⁣from Windows Central mentioned⁣ that, ‍based on the information he ⁣has, BioWare may abandon the idea of⁢ an open world in the ⁢new​ game.

It’s unclear when⁢ we’ll see its release,⁣ but it can be said with confidence that it ⁢won’t happen anytime soon, as the project was in its early stages of development last year. Additionally, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf ‌is currently in development and is believed to be their main ⁣priority. The game’s‍ release is expected to be in⁣ the summer of‌ next year.

Original from ⁣ ‍ rnrn

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