“The Ultimate Final Fantasy Remake Surfaces with a Gameplay Demo Reveal, Forget FF7R”

“The Ultimate Final Fantasy Remake Surfaces with a Gameplay Demo Reveal, Forget FF7R”

The best Final Fantasy game’s remake had its first full gameplay demo revealed, and it is not Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. While it is not being officially made by the developer and publisher Square Enix, the Final Fantasy 9 Remake called Memoria Project is an unofficial fan project that involves over 50 game devs in order to recreate the world of Gaia and the characters like Princess Garnet and the well-loved Vivi. Memoria Project is a full recreation of the game with updated graphics and gameplay, as well as voiceover work for playable characters and NPCs.

As was published on Memoria Project’s official account page on Twitter, the fan-made Final Fantasy 9 remake received its first full gameplay demo reel. The video shows the first 25 minutes of gameplay, starting with the opening menu. Viewers then see a short cutscene featuring Princess Garnet and the arrival of the Tantalus crew aboard the M.S. Prima Vista in Alexandria.

Even with the outstanding Final Fantasy 9 Remake gameplay demo, Memoria Project is but a fan-made product that will never actually be commercialized, mainly due to Square Enix’s copyright terms. The team makes that clear during the initial seconds of the video, in which they mention that it is a “proof of concept” and that it should not “be viewed as a playable product.” An official FF 9 remake, however, does not seem to be completely out of consideration. There have been multiple leaks and rumors about Final Fantasy 9 Remake so far. Nevertheless, the company has yet to announce the title if it is, in fact, being developed.

Back in 2021, an animated series based on Final Fantasy 9 was announced, giving credit that the title may be more important to Square Enix than it seems. Though a game and an animated series are wildly distinct products, they can help each other grow. What makes the Final Fantasy 9 Remake even more credible, however, is the fact that it was mentioned in a huge NVIDIA GeForce Now leak. Although it could have been a simple placeholder, the truth is that multiple unlikely titles leaked by NVIDIA actually came to fruition: both Chrono Cross Remaster and Kingdom Hearts 4, for instance, were later confirmed by Square Enix.

Although the gameplay demo for Final Fantasy 9 Remake from Memoria Project is unofficial, it does offer a fresh perspective on how Square Enix can tackle new remakes moving forward, even if it does not match the totally revamped style of FF7R and its trilogy. Final Fantasy 9 is one of the best games in the Final Fantasy franchise, even if it doesn’t get as much attention as FF7, so seeing it be remade is an exciting prospect.

2023-06-08 09:30:04
Link from screenrant.com

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