The Top 10 Most Uncommon Occurrences in Red Dead Redemption 2

The Top 10 Most Uncommon Occurrences in Red Dead Redemption 2

Rare things are bound to happen in a game as large as Red Dead Redemption 2. These can range from glitches accidentally left in the final game to peculiar NPC interactions, or hidden secrets players have figured out. With so much to explore, it’s understandable that a lot of these things go unnoticed by players.

Some rare things are expected in a game like RDR2; random NPC’s left in for the developer’s amusement, players figuring out how to reach inaccessible areas, hard-to-come-by loot drops, and unexpectedly hard enemy encounters. Meanwhile, some are small details simply overlooked or forgotten. But Red Dead Redemption 2 really pushes the boundaries of its wild west theme with some of its Easter eggs, including the likes of UFOs, ghosts, and other mythical creatures. Regardless of the reason, these rare experiences are defiantly something to look out for on the next playthrough.

The second sighting is similar but much harder to figure out and often skipped out by players. After careful examination of the note’s last line, the player will be pointed towards the very peak of Mount Shan. Like the other sighting wait until nightfall to see the UFO among the mountain rocks. Other than being an exciting addition for dedicated Rockstar fans, these rare sightings have no lasting impact on the game.

There’s nothing rare about seeing trains in Red Dead Redemption 2, but many players have yet to come across the elusive Ghost Train. Much like the UFOs, the ghost train is another Easter egg from Rockstar with it being an identical match to the Phantom Train in Final Fantasy 6. It can take a few tries to catch the Ghost Train, and while there isn’t a tangible reward for finding it, the experience is interesting nonetheless.

To find the Ghost Train in RDR2, travel northwest of Lemoyne. Camp out until 3AM, when the train is nearby the horse will whine and stomp his feet; however, this doesn’t necessarily occur every night. If nothing appears, repeat these steps for a couple more nights until it does. Once the horse starts showing signs, mount him and ride up and down the train tracks. The Ghost Train is notably smaller than other in-game trains with its rare blueish-white glimmer. Sadly the train cannot be interacted with, but this is still one of those rare Easter eggs that are fun to experience.

2023-06-18 06:30:04
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