The Tokyo Game Show 2023: A Recap of Strippers, Games, and Robots

The Tokyo Game Show 2023: A Recap of Strippers, Games, and Robots

Yesterday marked the official ‍conclusion of the Tokyo Game Show 2023 gaming exhibition,‍ where numerous intriguing projects were ‌announced and more details​ were unveiled about upcoming Japanese hits. However, for casual gamers, the event was not only memorable for the announcements,⁢ but also for its unique‌ approach. The‌ organizers of TGS understand that this⁤ is a true celebration for the gaming industry, ‌and ‍therefore it‍ should be ⁤commemorated with grandeur and without restrictive‌ measures. This year, the Tokyo Game ⁣Show ⁢will be remembered for its inclusion of real strippers, high-quality cosplay, robots, parties, and, ‍of course, games.

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Japanese publishers ⁢went above and beyond to attract the attention ‌of⁣ new players at the exhibition. Many booths were staffed by girls ‌in revealing outfits who were⁣ enthusiastic ⁢about engaging with visitors and discussing upcoming gaming innovations. Tokyo Game Show 2023 attendees​ particularly appreciated the organizers’⁢ incredible efforts in decorating the gaming areas, where ​they⁣ could witness ⁢robots of impressive sizes and various installations⁤ inspired by games.

Among all the companies, SEGA ⁤stood out the​ most. The publisher hosted a ​genuine party featuring a guest DJ and real strippers performing on poles in their designated⁣ zone. Some Western‍ activists threatened to “cancel” the company, but their protest actions did not garner significant support from the gaming community. On the contrary, many gamers praised the TGS 2023 ⁢organizers for delivering a truly impressive showcase of novelties, which is often⁤ lacking in other events.

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