The Release Date News for FF7 Rebirth Resembles Sephiroth in a Peculiar Way

The Release Date News for FF7 Rebirth Resembles Sephiroth in a Peculiar Way

Fans eagerly awaiting news about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have finally received some cryptic updates on its release date. Developer comments were seemingly made public at random, bearing an odd similarity to FF7’s iconic villain, Sephiroth. After being announced last June, there have been no updates on the progress of the sequel until now. Square Enix is teasing FF7 Rebirth without taking the spotlight away from Final Fantasy 16 by shedding some light on the release date while remaining mysterious.

These comments have appeared from thin air after a year of silence with updates that have proven cryptic at best. Veterans of the original Final Fantasy 7 and FF7 Remake alike can recall a similar situation with a certain silver-haired villain. To eager fans hungry for some concrete information on Rebirth’s release date, Square Enix has inadvertently recreated in-game occurrences that both excite and baffle fans in real life.

Sephiroth is Square Enix’s most iconic villain, and this FF7 Rebirth news from the Final Fantasy VII Twitter account is oddly just like him. The account has posted a series of developer comments, which appear suddenly and incite more intrigue than they do give answers. The first was in regard to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s release date, which Square Enix says it is currently deciding. This is just the kind of enigmatic reveal fans have come to expect from Sephiroth in his sporadic appearances. He shows up and players expect some fog to clear, but are often left more in the dark than ever. Players can attest that this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth news is just like Sephiroth, whether his original incarnation or his appearance in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Longtime fans of Square’s classics will remember what it was like to encounter Sephiroth for the first time in Final Fantasy 7 – awe-inspiring, unexpected, and confusing. Throughout the prologue, Sephiroth is barely whispered about. Meanwhile, the Shinra Electric Power Company is portrayed as the antagonist group. One of FF7’s many surprises came when President Shinra was slain by Sephiroth. Seeing the assumed antagonist of the game killed by a mysterious, famed war hero out of nowhere left players puzzled, just the way this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth news has.

This kind of cryptic surprise isn’t limited to the original Sephiroth. The narrative of Final Fantasy 7 Remake covers the prologue of the original game. Considering that, it was a surprise for players of this reimagining to see the silver-haired villain so early in the experience. Sephiroth appears without warning, spouts a few mystifying lines that send protagonist Cloud into a dramatic meltdown, and vanishes. So, whether intentional or not, the developers of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have successfully recreated the essence of their famed antagonist with this mysterious news on a release date.

2023-06-04 22:30:05
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