The Future of Desktop Apps: Beyond Windows Operating System

The Future of Desktop Apps: Beyond Windows Operating System

Good news for ⁤PC users: Windows desktop software isn’t going anywhere. In fact, every operating⁢ system wants ⁢to run it.

A decade ago, the tech media was full of pronouncements that “PCs are dying” at the hands of the iPad. But in⁤ 2023, the​ hot new​ commodity is ⁤Windows desktop software. More and more operating systems are now running Windows desktop apps it once seemed everyone — ⁣including Microsoft itself — wanted to⁢ leave behind.

At a glance, it’s easy to say this is just about Windows business applications, or it’s just about PC ⁢gaming, or​ it’s just about people wanting to offer access to decades’ worth of software ‍on their devices. Itss‍ definitely about all ‍of those things ⁣— and more.

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Windows apps are ⁣increasingly running in the cloud

Increasingly, Windows desktop applications run in the cloud‍ so you can access them from ⁢any device. If⁤ your⁤ iPad‍ or Chromebook ‍or smart TV can’t run Windows software, just ⁤run Windows software remotely on a server and‌ access it​ there. These​ classic desktop applications are often called “Win32”‍ software, though ​they can be 64-bit applications as well.

Microsoft is betting ⁤big on this with Windows 365. Currently available‌ only for ⁢businesses, Windows 365 is a Windows desktop-as-a-service hosted by Microsoft. Businesses can set up their employees with remotely accessed Windows desktops. Those employees can ‌access them through nearly ‍any⁤ device: a Chromebook, Mac, iPad, Android‌ tablet, smart TV, smartphone, or whatever — ⁢even from⁢ a PC. Microsoft is building better support for‌ accessing Windows‍ 365 desktops into Windows 11, letting ‍you flip between your ​cloud‌ PC and local PC from the “Task View” button​ on ⁤your taskbar or even boot straight to a Windows‌ 365 ⁣cloud PC desktop⁣ on a physical Windows 11⁤ PC.

While this is only for businesses at ⁤the moment, internal ‌documents show Microsoft is ​working on Windows 365 cloud PC plans for ‍home users.

It’s not just‌ about Microsoft, either. Even Google now has a new solution⁤ for running Windows apps natively in ChromeOS‍ called ​“ChromeOS⁤ Virtual App Delivery.” It turns ​those Windows desktop apps running remotely into apps that ⁢integrate with ChromeOS. It’s like Windows‍ 365, ⁣but Google is offering‍ just individual apps and not a full Windows desktop.

Even​ consumer services ‍are finding more success running Windows software remotely. Just take a quick glance at the cloud gaming space: Google’s shuttered ⁤Stadia cloud gaming service relied on game ‍developers porting their games to run on Stadia’s Linux-based system. Meanwhile, Nvidia’s GeForce Now cloud gaming service is running on Windows, using Windows games. Betting on Windows software (rather than…

2023-09-09 10:48:02
Source from ⁢ rnrn

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