The character’s personality determines the type of storytelling in Baldur’s Gate 3, offering 17 distinct options.

The character’s personality determines the type of storytelling in Baldur’s Gate 3, offering 17 distinct options.

According to actress ‍Amelie ‌Tyler,⁤ who ‍voiced the⁤ Narrator in Baldur’s Gate 3,‌ the role-playing game has⁤ 17 different “narrative styles”. According to her, she and her team created all these different‍ tones⁢ and⁢ variations of lines spoken ⁤during the storytelling ‌process to reflect all the playable‌ characters, ​better suited for ⁣their internal monologue that⁢ tells their specific story.

She talked about how she approaches voicing⁣ such a dialogue-rich game, showing that the ‌amount of work turned out to be ‍even more⁣ than we thought, as⁤ the lines had to be repeated in ‍different tones or completely rephrased to match the player’s character.

Many people, playing the ‌game for ‍the ⁢first time, do not ⁣understand that there⁣ are ​different narrative styles depending on who you ‌are‌ playing as. As a result, we ended up with 17 ​completely different narrative styles, depending on what is happening and which character you play⁢ as.

If you play as⁣ Shadowheart, the voice ⁣will be much⁢ higher.⁤ It’s much lighter,‍ slightly⁣ more emotionally tense. But ​if you play as the Dark Temptation, then it’s more like “I want to tear you ⁤apart and ruin your life”.

Tyler ‍also revealed that she had her own pose⁤ for ​each story, which helped her​ get into the ⁤character, as⁤ she was the only one who ​didn’t ⁤need to wear a mocap suit.​ Other actors ⁤envied this, and only a few​ of them⁤ had experience working‌ with mocap before⁤ Baldur’s Gate 3.

Considering this, Baldur’s Gate 3 has an incredible number of recorded dialogues. And what’s even better, a ⁢large part of ⁣it remained unused. As those ⁣who have been following the game for⁢ a long time know, Tyler‌ did⁢ not always have to narrate ​in⁢ Baldur’s Gate 3. Initially, ‍the narration was⁢ done from the perspective of the player’s character, and user characters and all the original​ characters ⁤read ‌their internal monologue in the⁢ past tense. This feature was very unpopular among players, despite the impressive gameplay.

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