The announcement of the Gothic remake’s release date is expected within the next few months.

The announcement of the Gothic remake’s release date is expected within the next few months.

The remake of the cult classic ⁤role-playing game “Gothic” from 2001 by Alkimia Interactive has been in development for about six years. Back in 2019, the developer released the “Game Teaser” for Gothic: Remake, which elicited mixed reactions from players who felt that⁤ it deviated⁣ too much from the‍ original game’s⁢ core identity.

However, ‌in a recent interview, the⁤ developer emphasized that players should not worry about what ⁤they saw in that teaser, as⁣ the current version of​ Gothic: Remake is ​essentially a⁣ complete reboot, ⁣reimagined as a completely different game. Importantly, it​ stays⁤ truer to the original Piranha Bytes 2001 game.

The‌ game ⁤director of Gothic: Remake, Reinhard Pollice, shared the following:

“One of our main ⁤tasks ⁢is to tell people, ‘Hey, ⁤this remake really has nothing to do with the game teaser, it’s really⁢ a full reboot’.”

Pollice added ‌that the game teaser was always intended as a “proof of concept,” and ⁣the team even expected it to be received ⁤somewhat negatively.

Surprisingly, the game teaser is‌ still available‌ on Steam, ​so you can⁣ try it out to see what Gothic: ⁢Remake definitely won’t be. Only 6-7⁣ people worked on this game teaser, whereas ​the Gothic⁤ Remake ⁤currently has a​ team of ⁣over 35 people ⁤working towards its release⁢ by‌ the end of 2024.

“We will announce a date in the⁣ next couple of months,” Pollice revealed.

For the uninitiated, “Gothic” was one of ‍the‌ first 3D open-world role-playing games, released over a year ⁣before ‌”Morrowind.”⁢ Set ⁣in a prisoner-occupied mining colony, you play as the “Nameless Hero” who must choose ⁣which of the factions‌ to ‍align with, ultimately influencing the story’s ⁣outcome and ⁣the⁢ colony’s fate. It was quite an ambitious⁣ project.

Article from rnrn

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