“Tears Of The Kingdom: Continuing an Essential Zelda Tradition I Never Knew Existed”

“Tears Of The Kingdom: Continuing an Essential Zelda Tradition I Never Knew Existed”

The Legend of Zelda: Tears⁤ of ⁣the Kingdom is a​ truly unique game‌ that⁢ incorporates elements from previous Zelda games. Despite being a direct sequel to Breath⁢ of ⁢the Wild, TOTK introduces​ new gameplay features such as‌ free building, time ‌reversal, and the ability to ascend through solid rock. These additions have led some players to question whether TOTK can even be considered a Zelda game. However, at its core, TOTK​ still features the classic Zelda cast and follows ⁣the traditional formula of​ dungeons and exploration.

Even though TOTK is original, it draws inspiration from the franchise’s 37-year history. This is a benefit that most groundbreaking ​games do not have. TOTK remains true ⁣to the Zelda ⁣series,​ but it is also significantly​ different from its roots. This is due⁣ to the long-standing ⁣tradition of creative innovation within ‍the Zelda series, which the creators are fully aware of.

In an interview with the‍ Dutch website RTL Nieuws, translated by Nintendo Everything, ⁤producer Eiji Aonuma discusses the‍ series’ history of creative innovation. He recalls a story‍ in which former Nintendo president Satoru‍ Iwata expressed astonishment when he saw Link‌ jumping out of the 3DS’ screen in A ⁣Link ⁤Between Worlds thanks to the stereoscopic 3D effect. ⁣From the beginning, Zelda has always been about innovation and ‌reinvention. The creativity of the series has even shocked Iwata. In TOTK, this innovation is ​showcased through an incredibly complex yet flexible physics system.

TOTK’s physics and Ultrahand building ability allow ‍players to create unlikely contraptions ‌using spare parts ‍and their imagination. Players have⁢ constructed unbelievable creations, including unique solutions to⁤ puzzles, mechanized ‌weapons with⁢ moving parts, and even torture devices⁢ for Korok and Beedle. For the first time ⁣in ​the Zelda series, players have the ⁤power⁣ to innovate directly. Innovation ⁤remains a fundamental aspect​ of Zelda,‍ but now it⁢ is not⁤ solely the responsibility ⁤of the developer. With a little effort, ‍players can experience their own “I​ didn’t know this was possible” moments.

Even before ‍TOTK, the ​Zelda series‍ has always been known for its innovation and influence. ⁣The original game,‌ The Legend of Zelda released​ in 1986, was one of the first action-adventure medieval fantasy video ⁤games. It ‌had a significant impact on the genre, with other ‌games borrowing ideas ‍from it. The top-down perspective, dungeon-crawling gameplay, and hidden treasures became standard in medieval fantasy ⁣games. These elements are still prevalent in the genre today.

2023-08-01 19:48:03
Source from screenrant.com


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